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View Full Version : Dentist in the morning *gulp*

23-08-04, 22:48
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if there was any chance of having a few "NMP-vibes" sent my way at 8.30am tomorrow? I have an appointment at the dentist, which I'm a little anxious about.

I had a wisdom tooth removed (I had to, unfortunately) during the peak of my anxiety a few years ago, so the check-up tomorrow isn't too much of a problem. What is mainly worrying me is that it's a new dentist who I haven't seen before, and (and this is the really dumb bit!) his name is quite obviously foreign, and I find it difficult to interpret accents sometimes. Being nervous is only going to make it worse. Well, that, and being practically pinned in the chair by instruments in my mouth... :(

Once I left university, my previous dentist couldn't see me anymore, and I didn't bother finding another straight away, so I haven't been in a couple of years. I don't suppose it's changed a lot since the last time I went, but could anyone tell me what to expect while I'm there? How long can I expect to spend there, for a first examination? What sort of things is the dentist likely to do? etc..

I'm going to take some Kalms now, to help me get a peaceful night, and I've taken a drive to the place I have to go, so that won't be an added stress in the morning. I just hope it's all over with quickly :)

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

23-08-04, 23:26
hi there,
I hate going to the dentist as well - I don't think anyone actually enjoys going as it is quite stressful. I wouldn't worry too much about the accent - his english is bound to be very good. Just remember to stay calm and that everyone in the waiting room is just as anxious to get out of there as you are!! Good luck!!
Sarah (seh1980):D

23-08-04, 23:29
Hi there Leah

Good vibes coming your way hon.
You will do fine!!!!

take care and let us know how you get on!1

love Sarah

24-08-04, 09:27
Well, how wrong you can be!

It seems that my dentist is Swedish/Norweigan or similar, but (like most people who aren't British or American - no offence ;)) speaks perfect English with only a hint of an accent. To top it all of, he's also young, tall, blond and rugged-looking - in fact, not scary at all! :D

I was in the room for 5 minutes, in the chair for 3, and as it turns out, my teeth are 100% alright. I do have to go back to visit the hygienist tomorrow (the only scary thing about that is the time - 8am!!), to make sure that they stay 100%, but other than that, it'll most likely be another 6 months before I have to go through that again :)

Thank-you for the vibes - the power of NMP must be huge if it can provide me with a dentist like that ;)

Leah xx

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

24-08-04, 09:45
Well done Leah:D good on you, i hate going so you are braver than me.

take care

24-08-04, 11:45
That's great leah

The dentist is a fear to me as well, but then my dentist is a young women and I think i would prefer a rugged tall man. Anticipation is often the worst (although i'm not sure that is so true where there is tratment required at the dentist)

The main thing is that even though you were scared, you went, and you were fine

Good news


24-08-04, 16:58
Hi Leah,

Well done mate!! these situations are never as scary as you think they're going to be, huh? Take care.

Sarah (seh1980):D

24-08-04, 17:36
You lucky thing having such a lovely dentist, my dentist of things has bad breath[:P]lol ................Tarax

Caz Fab Pants
24-08-04, 21:06

Good for you! Think you planned that well by having it first thing in the morning because it meant you weren't dreading it all day and building up the anticipation. You must have literally got up, ready for the day and gone straight there.

Hope my visit to the dentist mid September is as positive an experience. I too have a new dentist and am taking along my 2 children aswell so no jumping out the chair and running off like a headless chicken for me!

Caroline :)

25-08-04, 08:57
Hi Leah

Well its 9am - should all be over by now! Hope your visit went OK and that your new dentist was fine - let us know how you got on hon.

Take care
Love Jo xx

25-08-04, 09:38
Yep, all over and done with now :) The hygienist (a woman) was very nice as well. I told her I was a little nervous, and she talked me through everything she was doing, and told me what to expect before she did anything (that the water would taste funny, that this or that would be a bit noisy or a bit uncomfortable etc.). She was very gentle, and although some parts were uncomfortable (when she was pressing on my teeth), it only actually hurt once for a split-second, and she stopped straight away to let me relax again. You can't ask for more than that imo :)

What's even better is - I'm now done and dusted for another 6 months! :D

Hugs for all of you, for your encouragement! :)

Leah xx

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~