View Full Version : Face feels strange

11-10-14, 13:24
Hi. Hope someone can help. For the last few weeks been getting really wierd sensation left side of face ... Starts just below temple and goes along cheek to nose .. Sometimes it's like a pain and then tingly and then burning sensation. Getting really worried bout it now .. Skin also feels tight and sensitive. Have also started to get terrible headaches all over now. Dr thought could be TN and gave me some pills but haven't made any difference. I do suffer from anxiety. Sometimes I feel a wierd sensation up back of neck into head and also going up side of head behind left ear. Getting really freaked out now ... I just hope someone out there has had a similar thing ... Always makes u feel better when someone can relate xx

11-10-14, 15:13
I know exactly how you're feeling.

Do you have the tight band feeling around your head and scalp, too?

My face feels strange, like it's a mask that's been painted on-tight, is the word I'd use. It's all part of the anxiety, apparently. Sometimes it feels better, other times it feels worse.

:shrug: Every doctor I've seen has come to the same conclusion-stress and anxiety are the cause.

13-10-14, 17:20
Thanks for replying. I hope it is anxiety. Do you get wierd pressures in your face too? And do your eyes ache sometimes? Hate these scary feelings ... My head hurts pretty much all over but it is def worse left side and still strange sensation from left temple to cheek. Xx

15-10-14, 22:55
Yep, I get these weird pressures around my cheekbones to my eye sockets. I've learned to just ignore it and it passes but at the height of my anxiety, it would happen worse (either that, or I just noticed it more) when I was trying to sleep and it caused many a sleepless night worrying.

When I'm tired, I get some eye pain, too. The doctor says it's all anxiety-related, so, there you go.

Does it hurt/strain your face to smile? Mine does, sometimes. Such a pain. I'm hoping it all fades off soon.

16-10-14, 12:36
Thanks so much for that .. It really helps when someone else has a similar thing. I've still got the pain .. It comes and goes ... Sometimes within minutes and sometimes within hours. It's like a wierd pulsating pain side of head, cheek bone. It just won't seem to go away, even there when I wake up. Sometimes it's in my nose!! Do you get any of that? And is yours one side? And does yours feel numb, tingly, burning. Oh god I'm consumed with it now. It's all I can think about ... And feel so scared .. Keep thinking its something serious!!

17-10-14, 17:40
It comes and goes with me too. I never really get it around my nose, but with anxiety, nothing would surprise me with what it can pull.

It's definitely a pulsating kind of feeling...like something is crawling around underneath my skin, burrowing almost. :shrug: