View Full Version : Chit chat

11-10-14, 17:39
Hi I'm just looking for someone to talk to I'm 22 lad from London message me if you want. Cheers.

21-10-14, 18:49
hi, what brings you to this site?

23-10-14, 14:10
I've been here a few years, general anxiety & depression really you?

23-10-14, 22:51
well where do i start lol...bipolar disorder which was very well managed and i was living a normal quite happy life, gave birth 10 weeks ago and had a very hard time which led to PTSD and severe health anxiety. Im still suffering now and dont know how to stop feeling like theres something wrong with me.

24-10-14, 16:40
Oh wow, sorry to hear that makes my problems seem small in comparison lol. The anxiety is horrible isn't it how do you cope with it medication?

29-10-14, 20:10
iv never suffered from anxiety, always been fine and dealt with my bipolar great. I lived a pretty normal life until I had my daughter recently. I had alot of complications which messed me up physically and emotionally and i cant seem to get over it, so i now have PTSD too. The anxiety has literally taken over my world, i worry at everything, mainly my health. I take propanalol, i was on 3 a day, reduced to 1 daily and now i just take it when i need it.