View Full Version : Bad headache for a week!

12-10-14, 08:28
Hi All

It's been a long while since I last visited this site which I suppose is a good thing. I have had a headache for this last week which started off nagging and annoying but since Friday has become pretty painful.

Nurofen won't touch it. It is mainly above my left eye, but I also get throbbing all over and in my neck. I am away for a girls weekend and it has pretty much ruined it. I am getting myself into a right tizz, thinking brain tumour!

I had a brain MRI scan about 2 years ago for dizziness and numbness but this feels completely different.

I am also getting constantly flickering eye. Really scared this is serious.

I'm not so anxious these days, but as soon as I get any physical medical symptoms, rather than being rational, my HA goes through the roof!
Think I will have to visit GP again, but just wish head would go away so I don't have to.

Feeling sad and worried. Is it normal to have headache for a week that nurofen can't fix?!

Would really appreciate some advice.

Thdnks xxxxxxx

12-10-14, 09:46
Yes, it could be sinus problems.
I had a headache for over 2 months last summer - nothing touched it. It caused pressure behind my eyes, above my eyes, under my eyes.
Try steaming with Vick' s or olbas oil. Also, a saline nasal spray will help clear your sinuses.

12-10-14, 18:27
Yep, sinus headache. Or migraine, especially how it's involving your neck and all, and the "eye flickering". Is it like a tiny light show going on? Either way, by now you should see the doctor. Good luck! Mine are so painful I have been to emerg and got an intravenous "cocktail" they use. It works but the combo makes a person anxious. Depends on how badly you want to be rid of it.