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View Full Version : Throat infection that causes a stiff and painful neck

12-10-14, 08:35
Ok I've got a throat infection atm been causing breathing difficulties for days but doctor assures me twice my oxygen levels are fine.

This morning I've woke up with a majorly sore and stiff neck with it too whenever I move or breath in or out our is this a normal symptom for a throat infection never had it before with one and slightly concerned

12-10-14, 13:39
Could just be laringitus! I gave me a v stuff neck :(!
Take ibruprofen four times a day and lots of cold drinks to stop any inflammation - it's just like if you're knee was inflamed it would be stiff!

Hope you feel better soon!


12-10-14, 14:59
Thanks I got sent to out of hours as they thought it could be quinsy but it's just a very bad throat infection he said there are 50 glands in the neck and it seems most of mine are very swollen that's why it's so sore and stiff. Just gotta make do with antibiotics and ride it out :( it's so sore can barely turn my neck and it's so sore to touch x

12-10-14, 16:43
I had exactly the same about 5 weeks ago was awful I went to a&e cos never felt so bad! Feels much better now but I was pretty stressed out about it. Kept waking in night with the pain in neck try not to worry cos it will take even longer to go! Take care x

12-10-14, 18:12
Yeah I just feel like my whole throat is blocked with lumps and it's so painful when I move and to touch :((

12-10-14, 23:47
I get what you mean mine felt totally inflamed all way down throat n neck was red raw sore :( took me about 3 weeks to 4 weeks to feel better but maybe cos I stressed myself out so much with it cos I'd not been ill like that before