View Full Version : Contagious bug

12-10-14, 13:41
Hi I posted last week how scared I was of these v&d bugs doing the rounds , my sister has caught it :( she was visiting Me yesterday ... She didn't have no symptoms an wasn't poorly till yesterday eve good few hours after she left my house . She didn't use my toilet while here . Could me an the kids still caught it from her ? She kissed my kids goodbye .

12-10-14, 13:50
It is very unlikely, Karentia - v&d viruses are not airborne as such, there does need to be direct contact with the v&d (which could mean inhaling droplets from someone vomiting near you, for example), which has not been the case here. I would say you will be absolutely fine. Best wishes from Annie :hugs:

12-10-14, 14:20
Thanks , my ex just walked in an said oh u r bound to catch it :(

12-10-14, 14:33
Well, common sense says you're not, so I would just disregard his comment! What makes him an authority on the subject anyway - is he related to Dr Google, by any chance? :)

12-10-14, 14:39
Ha he thinks he is a Dr full stop lol

12-10-14, 14:43
There you are, then - common sense wins the day! :)

Maybe your sister has not got a virus at all - maybe she ate something that disagreed with her. Either way, you will be fine.

12-10-14, 15:03
There is a chance but there's nothing you can do to avoid it there so contagious and common this time of year there isn't much you can do other than avoid people and not leave your house! My whole house had it two weeks ago and it only lasted less than 24hrs that's just got to tell yourself yes there awful but they are short lived x

13-10-14, 13:34
Well at 145am my toddler was having a bottle , coughed an was sick in my bed :weep:, she hasn't been eating properly the last few days , then she ate a small bit of cake around 11am I'm talking tiny bit , then walked away an was sick on the floor . She does have a bit of a cold so thinking it might b more related to that then my sister bug ? If it was a bug surely she b more sick by now ??? I haven't eaten in 2 days just incasev :(

13-10-14, 14:34
Not necessarily. Everyone's body's are different. My lg was sick every hour for a good 12hours and then was fine. I was pretty much the same but my partner was just sick the once he just felt sickly x

14-10-14, 06:04
She wasn't sick after 11am yesterday fingers crossed