View Full Version : Feeling others against you/talking about you

31-12-06, 15:09
I'm a new member who registered yesterday. I'm not sure if I put my note in the right place yesterday but wondered if anyone through their anxiety, panic, depression has experienced the strong feeling that others are trying to take advantage of them, talking about them in a negative light, trying to break them? I still get this but had it at it's extreme when I was at work (which was a very competitive environment which made it hard to understand whether I was imaging things or whether it was true). I just wondered if this is a normal system of depression etc., or if I really am cracking up/have cracked up?

31-12-06, 15:25
I replied to your other post here ....

Feeling/knowing people are talking about you? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=16060)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

31-12-06, 16:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hello
I'm a new member who registered yesterday. I'm not sure if I put my note in the right place yesterday but wondered if anyone through their anxiety, panic, depression has experienced the strong feeling that others are trying to take advantage of them, talking about them in a negative light, trying to break them? I still get this but had it at it's extreme when I was at work (which was a very competitive environment which made it hard to understand whether I was imaging things or whether it was true). I just wondered if this is a normal system of depression etc., or if I really am cracking up/have cracked up?

<div align="right">Originally posted by Melina - 31 December 2006 : 15:09:38</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I can't say I have experienced that - but I guess we're all different and it affects us all differently. I certainly felt that family didn't understand how I felt, I never felt anyone was trying to break me though.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

01-01-07, 13:48
i sometimes feel that people are staring at me everywhere i go and that then causes a panic attack and i just want to get home as soon as possible!!

i think everyones symptoms are different but i know it will help you to know that i get this symptom too, take care

rachel xxx

02-01-07, 03:51
I'm like this. I reckon I'm just a paranoid person like that following bullying in school. Were you the same?

02-01-07, 17:37
thanks for your replies everyone and to "Boy" yes, I do feel 'paranoid' alot and did when I was younger but I think it was more a cause of low self esteem and being self conscious which breeds feeling paranoid. I experienced verbal bullying at work which was far worse than any bullying Ive experienced at school. Although I've been suffering various symptons for several years, it has only been recently that I am begining to understand depressed, anxiety and panic and knowing that now, I realise how cruel some of my past colleagues were. They would deliberately say snide remarks, laugh every time I walked past, basically do their best to make me feel uncomfortable and make my anxiety worse. I became easy prey to them, because I didnt say anything, I just wanted to pretend it wasnt happening to me and they were not affecting me but by doing this I brought my anxiety to an unbearable level