View Full Version : Ebola

12-10-14, 18:09
Ok I wasn't too scared about Ebola until just seeing on the news now an American nurse has caught it with all the protective gear on?? If Ebola is so hard to catch and only through bodily fluids how has this happened?

Started to get very concerned that is gonna get here and spread like wildfire :(

12-10-14, 19:38
I am freaking out about this myself so can't be much comfort I'm afraid, I wanted to ask the same question as you really. I am terrified by all this.

12-10-14, 19:40
If it hits our area we aint leaving house my litte bot autistic and hes freaking out about this, keeps saying end of the world and I keep saying keep calm we are better equipped

---------- Post added at 18:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

Sounds harsh wish they would stop travel in africa sort it rather then spread it

12-10-14, 19:46
I am worried that the politicians are not taking this seriously enough and that it is going to get out of hand. Other people i speak to do not seem to concerned and feel the media is scaremongering. I have been googling ebola and after being fairly well for several months now feel back at square one because of this.

12-10-14, 19:53
Try not to panic, its making great telly and selling papers only worry when it comes in your town and be hygienic, try relax it shouldnt come,

12-10-14, 20:27
It just doesn't add up to me. It makes me think something isn't being told because she shouldn't have caught it if it's through bodily fluids. I know people are saying don't worry till its in your area but with people flying in the U.K. it could be in your area without you even knowing it's symptoms are so alike to just your average cold:chest infection. X

12-10-14, 20:31
It just doesn't add up to me. It makes me think something isn't being told because she shouldn't have caught it if it's through bodily fluids. I know people are saying don't worry till its in your area but with people flying in the U.K. it could be in your area without you even knowing it's symptoms are so alike to just your average cold:chest infection. X

I have been wondering about the bodily fluids thing as well, I would calm down a bit if the information we are given was more consistent. I felt the same over swine flu but at lease there was medication that could cure that.

12-10-14, 20:34
Yeah it's how deadly this illness is that is scary. Yes swine flu ect could kill but nowhere near on the scale Ebola is.

12-10-14, 20:43
Unfortunately i have health anxiety and family over in Sierra Leone who are living through this crisis.

Its is ONLY spread through bodily fluids and the medics who have caught it, have done so because theyve accidentally overlooked a small part of their protective gear to clean. The Spanish nurse who caught it touched one of the gloves she'd used earlier to clean something the patient touched.

It is true that it is only spread through bodily fluids but the reason its spread so severely through West Africa is because of poor sanitation. The risk factors for the West is very low...

12-10-14, 20:48
I'm not on about the Spanish woman it's breaking news now that an American nurse than was treating the man in America who was sent home with Ebola symptoms then readmitted and turned out he did have Ebola then died has caught it. It says on the report officials are very concerned that it's been caught with all protective gear on.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

'The unnamed worker, who had been wearing full protective gear, reported having a "low-grade fever" on Friday and was then isolated, officials said.

It is the first known case of ebola being contracted or transmitted in the US.

Officials were "very concerned" because the nurse followed full CDC precautions, said Dan Varga, the chief clinical officer for Texas Health Resources.

He noted the full protective gear would have included a mask, gown, and gloves.

Officials are now monitoring 18 health care workers, according to Dr Varga, and President Barack Obama wants federal authorities to take "immediate additional steps" to ensure correct protocols are followed.


12-10-14, 20:53
A breach in protocol occurred. There was a step not followed when she cared for the fellow who died. She will have missed or forgotten a step when putting on/removing gear. Think of all the times you touch your face, so much, unawares. They will be much more careful now, everywhere. Talk of a buddy system where one nurse watches as the other goes through the steps, so nothing gets missed.

12-10-14, 20:55
This is the story that I read about the American Nurse and that is why I am confused. She had all the correct equipment on according to the media and has apparently still caught it. :huh:

12-10-14, 20:58
Sadly, the media are creating mass hysteria and panic over this deadly, BUT containable disease. Yes it is a concern, but 1) If cases are found, they will be isolated and the people they've come into contact with are monitored and 2)People have been cured of Ebola so a cure will be imminent. It doesnt matter where you are, if you dont follow the proper precautions or be thorough in how you disinfect yourself after treating a patient, you increase the chance of you getting it.

The American and British governments are taking all the precautions they can to contain the outbreak so we shouldnt worry (easier said than done for us i know)

12-10-14, 21:02
Sadly, the media are creating mass hysteria and panic over this deadly, BUT containable disease. Yes it is a concern, but 1) If cases are found, they will be isolated and the people they've come into contact with are monitored and 2)People have been cured of Ebola so a cure will be imminent. It doesnt matter where you are, if you dont follow the proper precautions or be thorough in how you disinfect yourself after treating a patient, you increase the chance of you getting it.

The American and British governments are taking all the precautions they can to contain the outbreak so we shouldnt worry (easier said than done for us i know)

I would rather not google this but can I ask how have the people with ebola been cured? I read there was no cure or vaccine. Have we enough hospital space to isolate the people that get it? Our hospitals are already overcrowded.

12-10-14, 21:05
Almamatters, Ebola cant pass through the protective gear and can be killed with common disinfectants. We all have access to these in the West so the risk still remains very low.

Talking to my Grandma on the phone is so saddening because of the fear and shortage of food. But, she said that however scared people are, theyre getting on with their lives. They are happy and keeping faith, they just have to take extra care of themselves and their families... Its not all doom and gloom :):hugs:

---------- Post added at 20:05 ---------- Previous post was at 20:03 ----------

I would rather not google this but can I ask how have the people with ebola been cured? I read there was no cure or vaccine. Have we enough hospital space to isolate the people that get it? Our hospitals are already overcrowded.

Apologies, not cured but have overcome the disease through experimental treatments and proper care.


12-10-14, 21:09
Thanks Emma and I hope your family keep well. x

12-10-14, 21:16
No worries! The worst thing we can do is get panicked over this thing. What makes it worse is that us with HA are the worst hit by the fear

Fear is whats selling the news these days, which is disgusting....

12-10-14, 21:23
I must admit it's sending my anxiety through the roof. I'm so scared for me and my daughter if it does reach the uk I will be stocking up and not leaving my house and NO ONE will be coming to my house lol x

12-10-14, 21:26
I had the idea of not leaving the house, but I actually work in healthcare so will have to go to work. I have felt physically sick all day at the thought of it coming to the UK.

12-10-14, 22:00
I work in a primary school doh! But currently signed off sick due too horrid symptoms and anxiety x