View Full Version : Have I got this right??

31-12-06, 15:21
I've done alot of look around this and other sites and one thing that strikes me is that the to cut along story short the cure for anxiety lies in being totally positive. Have I got this right?

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

31-12-06, 15:23
Not necessarily the only cure but yes it helps and the main thing is to "face the fears" and "JFDI" (just flipping do it).


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

31-12-06, 16:25
Hey, to be positive is the best to recover and to be happy all the time. I recovered quite well from anxiety but when something bad happened like a relationship break up i went back to my old ways. So being positive is good in general but for me personally i like to get to the stage where i can deal with real bad times without getting over anxious and being able to cope with usual things in life. But to start with a positive mind is good chris

31-12-06, 16:26
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I've done alot of look around this and other sites and one thing that strikes me is that the to cut along story short the cure for anxiety lies in being totally positive. Have I got this right?

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

<div align="right">Originally posted by dj9928 - 31 December 2006 : 15:21:20</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I think it is true that unless your attitude is positive you will suffer indefinately with anxiety. It takes time to get to the place in your mind when you are no longer seeking reassurance from others, and accept that it's anxiety. Time and knowledge are the way to healing (IMO anyway).

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."