View Full Version : Enlarged Heart Fear

13-10-14, 12:36
Hi guys I visited my doctor today and she gave me the results back to when they put electrodes on my chest to check the electric activity of my heart (sorry dont know the technical term for this lol) my heart was tacing when I had it done as I was panicking lol she said that she doesn't believe it to be the case but just wants to tick all the boxes and get a scan done of my heart to rule out completely that it isn't an enlarged heart. I know I should be worried but the fear has set in already.

13-10-14, 20:12
Has anyone else got any similar stories as I'm really worried

13-10-14, 20:17
hey, anxiety can mess with tests.
I should know, I have had plenty of bad experiences, my blood tests came back all over the place, turns out I was so nervous I was shaking when she took my bloods and apparently that can mess hte bloods up - second time they were all fine.
I've been told I probably have cancer only to be told it was dermatitis - not an example of anxiety but an example of possibilities.

My blood pressure is always all over the place and once when the Dr was checking my heart he looked at me and said, 'You're heart is beating so fast, if I didn't know you I'd assume you were about to die.' - Thanks Doc.

So I would get the test done absolutely - how reassuring for you to get a scan done of your heart, Id love a scan of my heart and my brain!

;) Tell the fear to buggar off.

14-10-14, 12:11
hey, anxiety can mess with tests.
I should know, I have had plenty of bad experiences, my blood tests came back all over the place, turns out I was so nervous I was shaking when she took my bloods and apparently that can mess hte bloods up - second time they were all fine.
I've been told I probably have cancer only to be told it was dermatitis - not an example of anxiety but an example of possibilities.

My blood pressure is always all over the place and once when the Dr was checking my heart he looked at me and said, 'You're heart is beating so fast, if I didn't know you I'd assume you were about to die.' - Thanks Doc.

So I would get the test done absolutely - how reassuring for you to get a scan done of your heart, Id love a scan of my heart and my brain!

;) Tell the fear to buggar off.

Definitely she said she just thinks the spikes on the ecg were due to y age and the fact I was panicking, she just wants to cover her & my back by double checking its nothing more serious. I shouldn't panic so much, lots of people have te condition and live a near enough completely normal life, so even if I was u lucky enough to have it it's not necessarily the end of the world. Thank you very much for your advice and sharing