View Full Version : dentist anxiety tomorow fillings needed

13-10-14, 17:27
Guys i have a dentist appt tom to have three fillings on to appointments,first one tomorow,help,...i hate the injection,not because of the needle but because of the anastetic,i hate that feeling of no control and my face going numb for hrs,i really need to get it done but feel like canceling it because my fear of this..any advice on this

13-10-14, 17:41
I would just go and get it over with, you will feel better once you have braved it and no sore teeth!

13-10-14, 19:38
I hate the dentist myself and usually get sedated. It is an awful feeling when your mouth is frozen but all I can suggest is come straight home and rest until it wears off.

13-10-14, 20:03
Yep i will annie,i cant avoid it,cos it has to be done,ill be anxious in the morning thats for sure

14-10-14, 11:53
in the dentist right now and didnt sleep weel last nigh at all which isnt helping my anxiety today.im up in 10 min for my injection.im dredding it and can feel my heart thumping very heard and rushes of panic creaping in.

14-10-14, 12:12
How was it?

14-10-14, 12:44
Hi Greg

I'm on the same boat as you, 2 hours and I have 3 extractions and one filling and i'm bricking it big time..

I've just posted a thread on health anxiety about it..

All the best and hope it goes well for the both of us :bighug1:


14-10-14, 13:05
ha.all that stress for nothing.all done.two fillings to lots of injections.glad i went now.just the numb face which i hate but getting through it.good luck petesy

14-10-14, 13:25
Glad all ok Greg. Well Done xx

Good Luck Petesy x

14-10-14, 13:26
thanks magic

14-10-14, 13:32
I replied to you and Petesy on Petesy's thread. Pleased it went okay for you Greg :)

14-10-14, 13:37
thanks annie.me to

14-10-14, 15:53
I am glad it went well for you, I need to book an appointment too. I first need to find one as I am new to this area too!

14-10-14, 16:32
Thanks lucy,i just went to the nearest dentist and asked if they were taking NHS and they said yes and that was it,i was in