View Full Version : Ears feel weird, scared of going crazy

13-10-14, 17:34
I keep getting weird sensations in my ear. Often when I'm anxious. They can feel full, a wierd nervous sensation in my ear ( yes in my ear ) get super sensitive to sound but petrified of it being too quiet incase I start hearing voices because I've s massive fear of turning crazy and hearing things.

Anyone else experienced anything like this before as Ive never known anyone to get wierd sensations in the ear. Also does anyone have an out of control fear of going crazy?

13-10-14, 19:31
I do the same thing. Mostly to get my mind off whatever I'm worried about. Don't worry. Its normal. Think about it like a nervous tic.

p.s. Did you get your MRI results back yet??

13-10-14, 22:45
Nop shpuld get the results anytime now as they said a week to 2weeks and it's been a week x

14-10-14, 09:04
Yes I get it all the time like a pebble stuck in the ear
Went several times to ENT and had a MRI scan - guess what all clear
It took me ages to accept that it was anxiety and when I did I started to notice improvements
I was also sensitive to sound and was diagnosed with Hyperacusis
I lived in fear of noises and it affected my social life but this weekend I attended a family wedding and the disco was vey loud I just decided sod it I'm not letting this rule my life and it was as though I had a breakthrough and I had no problems at all
One thing off sure you are not going crazy
Take care

14-10-14, 10:09
Thanks for your reply I had an mri last Sunday ordered by a neurologist to check my brain, sinuses and neck so will see if that shows anything. It's a really weird feeling in my ear and has only started recently. I think I'm imagining IT to an extent as I have this massive fear of going crazy because one thing I get with my anxiety is racing thoughts and it feels like I'm going crazy so I do focus on my ears a lot as I'm in fear I'll hear and see things that aren't there x