View Full Version : NMP friends Long time no see.....

13-10-14, 18:29
Hows everyone? Annie, Greg, Ricardo, Rennie, aunt Moosie ???

I haven't been on for ages. My baby is nearly 1 - wow time really does fly. As for the PA they've gone but, my initial and eternal meeting with PA & anxiety will never leave. Even though the symptoms lessen and in fact go - when anyone's experienced a prolonged and acute phase of panic! Like I have - I think it permanently scars you! So much was robbed from me at the time including my career and so much changed as a consequence - I think it's a pivotal point and its changed my life and my out look on life, so very much.

This is what I've come to conclude - I've realised I can write on here 24/7, I can tell my neighbour over and over or go to the GP (which I still never do) but what I'm trying to say is, ultimately I've helped myself more than anything. NMP Has allowed me to get in ALL off my chest and descover all about my new friend.....panic AND be around others afflicted. It's like a "secret club" But there's a ceiling, now I understand this affliction & I know how to deal with it, I've realised it will always hover and humm in the background.

So as much as NMP has been an enormous help, I don't want to dwell and be constantly around anything related to panic - I just want to get on with my life, even though it's not the life I ever thought Id have. I have to count my blessings, I'm still alive and the shock of all this, does lesson. Times the greatest healer, it's given me the chance to think/learn and change my way of thinking and that's to move forward the best I can & not dwell.


13-10-14, 18:46
Hi Col nice to hear from you, I am back as well after a break of a few months. I am glad you are doing so well. :hugs: x

13-10-14, 19:37
Hi Col, lovely to hear from you. I can't believe that your baby is 1 already! That year has flown by! x

13-10-14, 19:38
Welcome back col,good to hear things are better for:) you