View Full Version : Cough that wont go away

13-10-14, 19:03
Ok so I had a cold that was going around. That was 3 weeks ago, then the cold turned into a sinus infection, got antibiotics for it and now I have a cough thsy came on with thr sinus infection. It feels like an itch in my throat and sometime upper chest that won't go away. Ill cough for about a minute and be back to normal. But it just worries me because most of the time thr cough is dry. Few time phlem comes up. I know tmi lol. It's just a deep cough and idk if I should worry or not. Maybe it's left over phlem congestion that's stuck in ghere. But what if it's something more serious? Why do I always jump to the worst possible scenario??

13-10-14, 19:08
Sounds normal for a cough. I am on week 2 of mine and my partner has had one for 3 weeks this week

I am on antibiotics for a chest infection.

It is good that you are coughing up phlem as that will help clear the cough

13-10-14, 20:01
Sounds like post-nasal drip - where mucous from your noses constantly drips back down your throat and irritates it.
I had a cough for most of the summer, caused by post-nasal drip from allergies (hay fever).

13-10-14, 20:10
Thanks. I was thinking allergies but there's always that dark little cloud. Im gonna try tsking some claritan and hope it helps