View Full Version : the end of me

13-10-14, 22:56
i feel like ive just about reached my breaking point. after a couple of years adequately surviving, last week seemed to mark the start of a downward spiral. i had at least 5 panic attacks on the street in the 7 day period. thats up about 600-700% on a normal week.

now today ive been struggling to even walk round the house without feeling anxious. this is the worst ive felt for about 7 years. ironically, i had just started feeling more positive after being deeply depressed for months.

im lost for a solution...

Catherine S
13-10-14, 23:21
When you're inside the panic Gregor, what do you think is going to happen? I'm assuming your worst fears haven't yet actually happened because you are still here. Think about it rationally if you can...from somebody who has lived with panic attacks for over 40 years. 40 years! I can hardly believe it myself. But what I thought was going to happen during panic...passing out, heart attack, stroke, death...didn't happen and now i'm 61 and not 21...how sad. Panic is just panic, its not death. Live your life, you only have one.


14-10-14, 11:10
hi isb I think its more the after effect of the panic it kind of ruins your life with all its symptoms

Catherine S
14-10-14, 11:44
Yes I understand what you mean, but the panic has to come from something in the first place so to speak, so stopping that happening would also stop the after effects, although obviously I'm a fine one to talk after 40 years of panics! Losing the fear of them is really hard I know. Getting a run of panic attacks, one after the other is because your system is heightened by the last one so the next one is just below the surface.

Anxiety and depression often come together as a package, so getting help for that could stop the merry-go-round of anxious feelings. I hope you start to recover again as you did before Gregor. Best wishes.


14-10-14, 14:16
well said isb I agree with you after a panic attack you question this twinge or that twinge or the headache or the diziness...why have I got headaches is it a stroke and it builds up to another panic attack


14-10-14, 18:13
Sorry to hear you feel like this. I can't say much which will be of comfort except to say that many of us have been right where you are and you're not on your own.

As hard as it may seem, try not to let it become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're suffering and are convinced it's a downward spiral. Another way to look at it is that it's perfectly normal for everyone to have ups and downs and, unfortunately, yours is a down at the moment. One thing I can guarantee is that it won't last and you'll start to feel better. How soon depends on how quickly you can accept that and see a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Small things help me like forcing myself out of the house even when I least feel like it. Go for a walk, have a coffee with some friends, whatever you usually enjoy when you're feeling better. It's a good way to start to turn things around. Worst thing is to avoid the things which are currently triggering your anxiety. Boy, it's hard but it works.

Good luck and take care
