View Full Version : What is OCD?

Shapeshifting Lizard
14-10-14, 00:12
I've been searching through some of the threads on the forum and it turns out OCD is nothing I expected it to be.

My form of "OCD" in the past is that I would walk up the stairs and go to bed, and then be terrified that I had not touched, say the second, third, and fourth step "properly", and I would have to go down several times and touch them with my foot so that I could go back to bed and be peaceful, except it would happen again and again etc. etc. I thought that was OCD. Same thing with checking locked doors, touching doorknobs in the right place, etc.

There are people who suffer far more than this and I have noticed many terms describing different types of OCD. Can anyone describe it in a nutshell? I am not sort of in need I am just interegued because I know I get this in spells.

(I'm talking about the AOCD BOCD COCD DOCD etc. all these terms I don't know what they mean and how they are significant)

14-10-14, 07:17
This might help you SL:


On top of that there is also sensorimotor OCD which relates to bodily functions e.g. swallowing, blinking, etc. These are less well known and treatment can be different due to the involuntary nature of them.

I'm not familiar with all these acronyms myself and some of them are used incorrectly according to that link so what exactly are the ones you are looking for? I take it COCD is Contamination (if so there are 2 forms of this that are separate to each other) and DOCD is death? Not sure on AOCD & BOCD.

The basic defination is going to be that you feel compelled to perform ritualistic behaviours or for Pure O that it is intrusive thoughts of a specific often frightening nature due to how they make you feel you could act them out. But its more complex than this in reality as thoughts combine with rituals such as in Magical Thinking OCD where you may need to touch, visualise, say something in your mind or out loud, etc basically anything to counteract the original thought.