View Full Version : Dentist Today!!!

14-10-14, 12:37
Hi Everyone

Last week I had 3 extractions done and one filling, i had a panic attack during the surgery but managed just to remain flat on my back my dentist noticed the shaking and said to me "what's wrong are you ok?" (new dentist) i replied I suffer from an anxiety disorder, he was very nice about it and said if you need me to stop just raise your hand and you can rest but I went all the way just so I could escape...

After the dentist was finished he said for your next appointment I'll prescribe you two 5mg diazepam and I want you to take one the night before and one an hour before surgery which I've done, but tbh i'm starting to get worked up about today it's yet another 3 extractions and one more filling, a mirror image of last week :scared15:

I'm thinking all bad stuff... I hate this!!!

Petesy :lac:

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

Forgot to mention I had a really bad night last night, a panic attack that left me drained and in agony I didn't get to sleep till 4am, don't know if it's been a build up of stress plus knowing today I was going back to the dentist again and the thing is after this he still ain't done with me, i'm really worried about 2 of which he's pulling out because I don't know how he's going to get a grip of them they're right up my gum, i keep thinking he's going to need to slit my gum open.

Shitting myself 2 hours to go :scared15:

14-10-14, 13:12
pete i didnt sleep well last night to.i suppose in the back of my mind i was thinking about today.all the way there i was shiting myself to.but like your dentist mine was a lady and very suportive.i told her i have anxiety and she also said the same words to me.if you need me to stop etc just rais your hand.she was constantly reasuring me throughout the whole deal.i felt anxious but comftable.i had to fillings teo injections two lots of drilling.but so glad i had it now.iv got to go back for one more filling on the otherside in a week.and to tell the truth im not worried about it now.ill just get it done.good luck mate

14-10-14, 13:31
Petesy the diazepam will help and you got through it last week and can/will get trough it this week. You are worried that he may have to slit your gum...well that probably won't happen. It did happen to me once but the tooth was very hard to get out because I had a root filling previously which had stuck to my bone. I survived it though :) I never felt him slit it and just had a few stitches which I also never felt.
When you get home again make sure you rest and you will feel better in no time.
Greg I am pleased yours went ok...see things are not always as bad as we imagine them to be :) Hugs for you both :hugs::hugs: