View Full Version : To those afraid of Ebola, read this!

14-10-14, 12:48
I'm a frequent browser of reddit and a user over there left a comment in regards to someone asking whether or not Ebola would be able to be transferred from paper money. The redditor explains how much it would take to contract the disease, even if you were to have been in the same vicinity as someone carrying it. They explain it well and in a comforting manner. (Ebola isn't one of my triggers but with the amount of news reports on it and people worrying, thought it could benefit anyone that is worried.)

I'd also link the page but it's in a sub reddit that some people would be triggered from so I'll just give the credit to uhuhshesaid @ reddit:

Not really and here is why:

Ebola has never (that's right, never) been found in sweat. So an Ebola infected person just sweating on a bill and passing it to you won't transfer the virus. Now let's say they cough on it, yeah? Well the Ebola virus does live in saliva, however not for long periods of time as enzymes in our mouth degrade the virus, especially in the open air. Also coughing/sneezing is not an Ebola issue. Also the viral load in saliva does not really turn considerably high until very late stages when the victim will be feverish and generally bedridden.

The most infectious fluids are blood, feces and vomit. So if you take a bill with those things on it, and then touch a mucus membrane you do have a chance of contracting Ebola. Also a **** ton of other diseases. If you touch a bill with any residue of this stuff on it, please wash your hands immediately.

THAT SAID: Ebolavirus does not live in the open air, sunlight, normal temperatures for long periods of time. It needs cold, dark environments to survive. So it's life span on normal paper money would be incredibly short lived, even in feces, blood, vomit.

Even further, the CDC did a study in Gulu, Uganda after an outbreak there. They found that surfaces that are not visibly contaminated (read: have blood, feces or vomit on them) almost always tested negative for Ebola. It might actually have been always, but you'd have to read the study to confirm (I think it is, but I'll put almost as a qualifier because I'm not 100%). Just google: Ebola study, Gulu, CDC.

So in summation:
Getting it through regular touch is highly unlikely and has never been known to happen. The people who get it do so because they are health workers or family who are in contact with vomit, blood and feces of the victim --or burial rights.

Most people in the USA/west can't imagine why so many family members would be involved in the feces, blood or vomit of a person in their house, but remember that in many of these regions, people sleep 4-8 to a room. So if someone vomits in the night, it might get on you. If you are using a toilet that 10 other people use, you don't have access to toilet paper or hand washing facilities, transmission is more likely.

For the record, on how I know this: I lived 12 miles away from an Ebola outbreak in 2012 in Uganda. I was debriefed very thoroughly by doctors who believe in science.

*Fallen Angel*
14-10-14, 12:50
Many thanks for this. Really sensible, non scary article:)

14-10-14, 12:52
You're welcome. I thought it might be reassuring to those on here who are scared of it and can't escape the news, there are follow up comments of others agreeing to it too so it's not just one person. :yesyes:

*Fallen Angel*
14-10-14, 13:15
I'm one of those persons scared about it! I have to travel to Central London for work next month and already I'm worrying about using the tube. Silly I know.

14-10-14, 18:06
Excellent advice here people.... Read and take it on board :-)

14-10-14, 18:47
I am so glad I have read this I am really struggling at the moment with all this ebola stuff.

14-10-14, 21:54
Thank you so much for this. I have been in bits the last few days thanks to the media's constant fear mongering and this has provided me with some comfort.

15-10-14, 18:35
Hiya all, I'm glad it could help in some way. It makes me really happy that it has. :hugs:

15-10-14, 18:56
Must admit Ebola has got me in bits today now it's spreading more just seen the news about tracking plane passengers down in America !! I'm going to quarantine myself in my house when it reaches here.

15-10-14, 19:07
Must admit Ebola has got me in bits today now it's spreading more just seen the news about tracking plane passengers down in America !! I'm going to quarantine myself in my house when it reaches here.

I know how you feel, I forgot about it for a bit today but just heard it on the news. I am literally petrified. I really am trying to be logical about this but it is so difficult when it's all over the media. I remember people being very pessimistic about bird flu and it was nowhere as severe as they thought. I am trying to keep thinking about this.

---------- Post added at 19:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

My friend said he heard they are trialing a vaccine in the US, not sure how true it is but I really hope it is.

15-10-14, 20:02
Yeah I'm clinging on to that although bird flu wasn't so deadly! I know if I get a temp or anything im gonna freak out even though there is no way I'd have it.

15-10-14, 20:49
People..... STOP it!!!!!

Refer back to the facts..... absorb them..

Beating yourself up with fear is not going to change the course of events. What it will do is wear you out physically & psychologically. It's just not worth thinking this stuff over and over.

Instead..... Get back into your normal daily life. If you want to do something to improve the situation, maybe you could do some fundraising for a charity that is working to help with the epidemic perhaps? This could give you satisfaction in doing something to help & it will help fight the virus too.

What ever happens....... don't allow yourself to go into a downward spiral over this ....

15-10-14, 22:29
People..... STOP it!!!!!

Refer back to the facts..... absorb them..

Beating yourself up with fear is not going to change the course of events. What it will do is wear you out physically & psychologically. It's just not worth thinking this stuff over and over.

Instead..... Get back into your normal daily life. If you want to do something to improve the situation, maybe you could do some fundraising for a charity that is working to help with the epidemic perhaps? This could give you satisfaction in doing something to help & it will help fight the virus too.

What ever happens....... don't allow yourself to go into a downward spiral over this ....

Good advice Tessar and thanks. I admit I am in danger of becoming obsessed with this. I am googling the subject but only looking for good news. I am getting on with life but constantly feel anxious about this. Tomorrow I am going to try and get through the day without thinking about ebola. x

15-10-14, 23:15
Just when you forget about it though another report comes in. Obama is warning if something isn't done soon now that it will spread globally. Last thing you want to read!

Catherine S
15-10-14, 23:45
So how come medical staff with full protective gear have started to become infected...and....if what you say is true about the only way to catch this virus, then how come the USA are now in the process of tracing the 138 fellow passengers on the same flight as a passenger with the Ebola virus yesterday, if its only caught through bodily fluids? So all those fellow passengers touched his vomit or poo? Not buying it sorry. We need the truth about this virus for sure.


15-10-14, 23:51
Just when you forget about it though another report comes in. Obama is warning if something isn't done soon now that it will spread globally. Last thing you want to read!

:( Every time i think that things are going to get better and stop worrying i see something else. i haven't left the house in 5 days as it is already and i don't know how i will cope if it gets worse. This feels like my worst nightmare coming true, i have suffered from a serious Phobia of vomiting blood (to even type it sends my heart racing) since i was about 7 (I'm 24 now) for a long time i didn't eat anything red so that if i did throw up i would know for sure if it was blood and i managed to eat red foods again over the last few years (i missed pizza so bad) but now i can't eat red again.

Ebola is one of the things i have been scared of my whole life due to the nature of the disease causing internal bleeding but always just assumed it would never come here and now i just don't know what to think. This whole thing has pretty much reversed any therapy i have had or progress i have made with my phobia. i just want some reassurance and some comfort so much. x

(also i have never heard of anyone with the same phobia as me and would really like to know if anyone else has it. With the phobia of just vomiting i feel like theres people i can talk to about it who can relate to me but with the blood thing i feel so alone.)

16-10-14, 03:54
So how come medical staff with full protective gear have started to become infected...and....if what you say is true about the only way to catch this virus, then how come the USA are now in the process of tracing the 138 fellow passengers on the same flight as a passenger with the Ebola virus yesterday, if its only caught through bodily fluids? So all those fellow passengers touched his vomit or poo? Not buying it sorry. We need the truth about this virus for sure.


As far as I know with the medical staff it has been because they have not followed safety protocals and paid the price for it. For perspective though, the British nurse who contracted it, and was airlifted to a hospital in London, is now fine again and is shipping back out there to help! All respect to the guy. No fun for him thought for 7 weeks as it takes that long to disappear from semen after being cured. Poor bloke, he needs some fun after that ordeal!!!

Ebola is transmitted through blood, organs, excretions, etc. So, did this person use the toilets on the plane? Did they wash their hands afterwards? Did they then transmit secretions to other objects that could be touched by other passengers quickly enough for transmission? Etc, etc. It makes sense to ensure there are no additional cases by retracing & containing. Thats standard procedure for communical diseases including those we see in our country such as Legionnairres disease.

16-10-14, 07:51
I know how everyone feels I am constantly worried that I have or will get ebola lately. I work in a charity shop and have to sort through donations of clothes so the thought of them having sweat on really scares me. But then again there has been no cases in the uk currently and if someone symptomatic came in then it wouldve been on the news by now.... also I feel a bit hot and coldy like today but I was out in the cold for 8 hours yesterday so.....

16-10-14, 19:16
I avoided the news today and forgot all about ebola but just heard a few bits on the radio on the way home and am anxious again, it seems to be getting worse every day. I am convinced that we are not being told the truth about this which is making me even more scared. I know worrying is not going to make this go away.

16-10-14, 19:47
I know how everyone feels I am constantly worried that I have or will get ebola lately. I work in a charity shop and have to sort through donations of clothes so the thought of them having sweat on really scares me. But then again there has been no cases in the uk currently and if someone symptomatic came in then it wouldve been on the news by now.... also I feel a bit hot and coldy like today but I was out in the cold for 8 hours yesterday so.....

Vp bearing in mind that the virus doesn't survive long "outside the body" the chances of infection, pixie, I would imagine are minimal. Add to that.... Nobody at large in the uk has the virus, i'd say the risk of infection is zero.

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ----------

So how come medical staff with full protective gear have started to become infected...and....if what you say is true about the only way to catch this virus, then how come the USA are now in the process of tracing the 138 fellow passengers on the same flight as a passenger with the Ebola virus yesterday, if its only caught through bodily fluids? So all those fellow passengers touched his vomit or poo? Not buying it sorry. We need the truth about this virus for sure.


They r being cautious. I imagine were they not to trace these people there would be an outcry. It is their duty to do everything possible to minimalist the spread.

Catherine S
16-10-14, 21:22
Perhaps they should be screening people in the departure airports of the places were this disease is not yet controlled, before they get on the plane and arrive at their destination airport, rather than screening them after they arrive. The aid workers and the army medics who are aabout to be sent to Africa could do the screening.


16-10-14, 21:50
That's a very good idea. I have a feeling they might be doing that but can't b sure.

16-10-14, 21:54
I've been trying my hardest to avoid the news for the last couple of days - and what I mean by that is not going looking for it! Before I'd go sifting through news websites for it (good news only) and end up reading the really awful stuff just getting myself into a state. As obvious it sounds, it does help. I'm still hearing it on the radio and catching snippets on the TV in the mornings, but for some reason it doesn't feed the anxiety as much as when I go reading through articles online.

Yes, I'm still petrified of it coming into the UK, but I'm definitely finding avoiding the media is helping. As hard as it is - because it's so tempting to go looking for reassurance!

17-10-14, 06:50
Perhaps they should be screening people in the departure airports of the places were this disease is not yet controlled, before they get on the plane and arrive at their destination airport, rather than screening them after they arrive. The aid workers and the army medics who are aabout to be sent to Africa could do the screening.


I agree. I think they will do this, its just been a matter of resources for these poor countries.

17-10-14, 10:59
The nurse that contacted Ebola in the States had a fever before flying and the board of whatever they have over there said she could fly (she phoned to check), but the good thing about this is they can learn from their mistake.

I also agree that the screening process should be done in Africa. And I'm sure they will. Our gvmt and Americas have contingency plans and worst comes to worst (it won't!) I've played a lot of left 4 dead. :hugs: Positive thoughts everyone, try not to watch the news.

18-10-14, 01:59
Everyone has to maintain perspective on this issue. There are far more hazardous chemicals being transported up & down our motorways ever day of the year by a lorry driver than this and we have governments and specialists involved in this one!

The military are very used to handling these types of crisis and lets not forget they have spent some decades testing biological & chemical agents so that they can respond to the threat of them, not counting all the radation work (I had a mate in the Legion back in those days who worked on some of those testing islands in full gear and he is fine!)