View Full Version : I want the old me back :(

14-10-14, 13:25
Back on nmp after a while of not being on. I'm in the process of taking new meds and nervous about the side effects and the way new meds can affect us. I just want to lay in bed all day every day and to lock the world out. I'm 31 have an amazing family and support network round me and a man who loves me. But yet I'm still so down and low. It's got a grip on me. I've thought about suicide but I couldn't go through with it as my dad killed himself and he left behind so much grief. I couldn't do that to the prole in my life.

So spaced out and a shadow of my former self :(

messed up times
14-10-14, 14:53
I feel for you but if you have just been put on new med's you have to give it time but it is frustrating. I have been put on a host of different med's I am now on sertraline which I really hope will work...something will work for you and then you can get your life back :bighug1:

14-10-14, 15:10
Just because you think about it doesn't mean you will act on it. It's your mind's response to the pain of depression. There is a huge difference between thinking about something and acting on it.

Forgive yourself for the thought - you are a different case from your dad, with different life experiences.

I feel a shadow of my former self too. You are not alone. Somehow even through my depths of despair, other people still see good things in me. When you get good feedback from others, absorb it... it really helps :)

14-10-14, 16:51
Was exactly the same a few weeks ago. Had new meds and after a few start up side effects started to improve slowly.

I am now seeing light at the end of the tunnel and almost my usual self.

It can be done honestly.


15-10-14, 08:05
Thanks for your lovely replies. This forum does help to vent the things you can't face saying to loved ones. But saying that I was honest with some friends and family yesterday and it helped me a lot. I would never follow through on my bad thoughts it's just scary that I have them. Hope its a good day for us all. Much love