View Full Version : New: Hello

messed up times
14-10-14, 14:39
Hi I'm new not having the best day I am suffering with anxiety and depression been put on 50mg of Sertraline, but seem to be feel more depressed than ever :weep:

14-10-14, 15:19
Hey there welcome :-) I'm sorry your having a rough time at the moment hang in there hopefully these meds will work for you x

14-10-14, 18:06
Give the sert time, 4-6 weeks before it even starts to have a noticable effect is normal. I hope you're doing okay. A few of us seem to have had a rubbish day. Maybe it's just today in general! ;)

messed up times
15-10-14, 12:52
Thank you both for the replies I am trying to be patient with the med's, the side effects are settling but the drepression is getting worst :lac: x

15-10-14, 15:46
Depression can be a dozy but at least your side effects are clearing up right? Just give it time anxiety is horrible but a big part in curing yourself is patience :)