View Full Version : Lung Cancer

14-10-14, 16:57
for the last day or two I have been totally overwhelmed with fear about about lung cancer - I think I have it and am going to die :(
I had antibiotics last week and steroids for what I was told was a chest infection - I have felt a bit run down for a few weeks after doing the Great North Run
I had a bit of a melt down last week as I have been having pains in my left breast which I thought was breast cancer , I have seen 3 doctors now including a consultant and they have said I do not have breast cancer but could have an ultra sound if I want but my GP on Thursday said this might make me worse
My cough has cleared up a lot but I have been getting pain in my shoulder which is a symptom of lung cancer - I have been getting a pain down my left arm into my fingers - maybe it is breast cancer that has spread to the lung or cancer that has started in the lung and that is the pain I am feeling
I had a 10k race planned on Sunday which I did and have felt a little bit chesty since then
I dont know what to do, I am thinking I need a chest x ray but the thought of going for it and having to wait and then told I have cancer is freaking me out
I didnt even want to get out of bed this morning when the alarm went off at the thought of all this
I just cant cope anymore and would be better off dead anyway - if I have cancer thats what I will have to do
please help me

14-10-14, 17:33
I know it's hard, but you need to find some way of calming down and listening to what your doctors are telling you. If they had the slightest reason to think you could have cancer, they would be referring you for further tests.
Last week, I was convinced I was either pregnant, going through the premenopause or had ovarian cancer. Absolutely certain! So much so, that I'd already told my husband where I wanted my ashes scattered and chosen the music for my funeral.
My GP sent me for blood tests, including the CA125 - a marker test for ovarian cancer. However, she didn't actually even feel my abdomen, so I'm guessing she wasn't seriously suspecting cancer.

Why I'm telling you this is that I was in the same state as you. However, by reading the books in the NoPanic CBT for panic downloads, I can understand that it was panic and anxiety I was suffering from, not cancer.
As soon as I calmed down, the symptoms started to fade.

You have got yourself into such a frenzy, you can't think about anything else. You're looking for reasons you have lung cancer and you won't stop until you have proof...which of course you're not going to find, so you're driving yourself crazy on a fruitless search.

14-10-14, 18:32
Thank you chickpea - I've just got a horrible feeling about this and am sure I have lung cancer and I'm terrified

14-10-14, 19:56
I understand how you're feeling, I completely do.
But the problem is you have created an impossible scenario - until doctors actually find cancer in your lungs, you're not going to believe it isn't there. All the time they don't find it, you're going to believe it's there but they've missed it.

How about you do a deal with yourself?
Tell yourself you're going to give yourself a week of trying to relax, reading up on anxiety and panic, trying CBT, devoting your time and thinking to health anxiety etc.
If you DO have lung cancer, a week is not going to make any difference.

My bet is that if you move your thinking to relaxing and understanding your thoughts and feelings, you're thoughts about cancer will recede.

It is your thoughts that have gone wrong, not your body.

14-10-14, 20:28
Very good advice Chickpea and it works! :)

14-10-14, 21:02
Very good advice Chickpea and it works! :)

Thank you, Carnation. :)
It really does, doesn't it? :yesyes:

15-10-14, 02:27
I understand how you're feeling, I completely do.
But the problem is you have created an impossible scenario - until doctors actually find cancer in your lungs, you're not going to believe it isn't there. All the time they don't find it, you're going to believe it's there but they've missed it.

How about you do a deal with yourself?
Tell yourself you're going to give yourself a week of trying to relax, reading up on anxiety and panic, trying CBT, devoting your time and thinking to health anxiety etc.
If you DO have lung cancer, a week is not going to make any difference.

My bet is that if you move your thinking to relaxing and understanding your thoughts and feelings, you're thoughts about cancer will recede.

It is your thoughts that have gone wrong, not your body.

I will try x although everytime I get a twinge in my shoulder I keep thinking that's it for me thank you for being kind to me x