View Full Version : Tingling feeling in Lower legs

14-10-14, 17:25
I have this weird light tingling feeling in both of my calfs and its freaking me out. Its making me think i have MS or something. Please let me know if there is any causes of this or if it should be something i am worried about or if it is just coming from anxiety. Does anyone else get this??

15-10-14, 22:57
It can be caused by anxiety.

I'd find it unlikely that it is MS (of course, I'm not a doctor or anything and any new, worrying symptom you should consult a professional) if it is presenting symmetrical symptoms. I can't be certain, but to my knowledge, MS is not capable of that.

15-10-14, 23:50
I experienced this feeling when I had my first full blown Panic Attack and it has reappeared many times since then. It is an Adrenalin rush caused by Anxiety and does eventually go away when you realize what it is and accept it and let it go away of its own accord without panicking. If you panic about the feeling, it makes it worse. Believe me, ignore it and it disappears.

17-10-14, 06:53
I get this all the time with my GAD. I tend to find it isn't as prevalent if I start moving about.

Its due to the excess adrenaline.

17-10-14, 11:36
I get it but it don't stay in my legs as soon as I am aware of it then it seems to spread right through scareyxXXX

17-10-14, 15:29
I have this right now! and my legs always feel the cold the most xx

18-10-14, 02:22
I get it but it don't stay in my legs as soon as I am aware of it then it seems to spread right through scareyxXXX

Yeah, I get it all over as well. Its most prevalent in my lower legs, hands, fingers and forearms though. Maybe we feel it more there because the adrenaline effects the blood in the extremities more easily?

30-10-14, 18:04

I've just started to develop this too. Mine feels like a prickly, burning sensation from the very top of my legs right down to the soles of my feet. It's driving me crazy! It's worst at night when i'm focussing on it but it's even there when i'm walking around during the day. I have also belt a bit of prickling in my arms too. My mind is in overdrive right now - thinking i'll not be able to sleep and then i'll go crazy.

I know it's anxiety - it's the same old pattern: a new symptom, I google it, I cause myself panic, the symptom gets worse, then I go to the doctors. Why can't i learn to handle it differently!

I am wondering could it be caused by my meds? I've been on sertraline for 6 months,
