View Full Version : It's not a tumor....... I think?

14-10-14, 21:18
So ,
Yet again I'm back to the brain tumor stage... Hooray

I don't get headaches really, only old ones, but I've had a dull all over feeling in my head for a while...

My eyes seem to be different and my ears and nose seem to be somewhat blocked even though I can breath through my nose properly and hear normal too!

I get shooting pains in my teeth that go right up to my head and I find my self biting down on my teeth a lot more that I can remember too?

But I can hear my pulse in my ears sometimes

I do sometimes also feel off balance but not enough to make me think wooah what's going on I just sometimes feel slightly dizzy

The way I describe it is a weird head feelin ???

So does this sound like a brain tumor 🙈🙈🙈🙈☺️

14-10-14, 21:55
No, it sounds very definitely like sinus problems.
You have several pairs of sinuses in various parts of your face, including around your eye sockets, cheek bones, forehead etc. If they get blocked or infected, they can cause pressure in your head, cheeks, behind your eyes, into your teeth...pretty well everywhere you've mentioned.

I had your symptoms (minus the teeth) for over 2 months last summer.like you, I thought brain tumour, but it was sinuses - not even infected, just blocked.
I cured the problem by steaming regularly with olbas oil or Vick' s, using a saline solution nasal spray and seeing an osteopath - I had a shoulder and neck issue that meant my sinuses weren't able to drain properly.

14-10-14, 21:57
Ahhhhh thank you for the reply I'll try that and see if it helps any ☺️

14-10-14, 21:58
I definitely agree with chickpea!
I also have the exact same symptoms as you, so I rorally understand how scary the feeling is :(

Do you still have your wisdom teeth in? I know that they give bad shooting headaches as well

14-10-14, 22:05
I have the exact same symptoms also but along with some visual disturbance and twitching.

Do you think this could all be sinus related too??

14-10-14, 22:09
Karl, I also get those.

Have you gone to the eye doctor? I get flashes every now and then and sometimes white dots that float around. My eye doctor said it's pretty normal, even my dad gets them. So I don't think it's anything to really worry about.

As for twitching, I also get twitches in my eyelids, fingers, feet, and other places. I heard that's related to anxiety

14-10-14, 22:16
I have my top wisdom teeth coming through at the moment that are slightly impacted but don't seem to be botherin me that much but I was told I would need them out but when I had my bottom two wisdom teeth out he didn't numb the area enough so it was extremely painful and he carried on even though I was in agony (idiot) so I'm kinda scared to go about these ones.

I also get the odd flashes in my eyes too but I've had them for as long as I can remember

14-10-14, 22:17
Karl, I also get those.

Have you gone to the eye doctor? I get flashes every now and then and sometimes white dots that float around. My eye doctor said it's pretty normal, even my dad gets them. So I don't think it's anything to really worry about.

As for twitching, I also get twitches in my eyelids, fingers, feet, and other places. I heard that's related to anxiety

I am at the point were i am unable to focus on anything else other than what may or may not be wrong with me and why i feel the way i do. I have suffered with sinuses since i was a kid particularly ear trouble i had gromits and ear infections regularly. Ive always had a lazy eye and now if my partner notices it i automatically assume tumor!

I am on a waiting list for CBT so hopefully that puts me right