View Full Version : anxiety during exercise? some help me!!

31-12-06, 20:15
so i got a gym pass to a 24 hour fitness. i notice that after i workout in the morning i get that dreamy symptom / feelings of unreal symptom. it really freaks me out. and my heart races like crazy and my body tempurature gets all high. well not a fever i just get real hott and clammy. but during exercise i get a little anxiet and it freaks me out.

when i am done i feel overly restless and weak. i feel like i cant control my nerves and i am sooo shakey.

does any one know if this is dangerous? or did i just work out too long?
its real creepy. like i look down and touch my hand and it feels like its not my hand or i cant feel it. ugh i hate this!!!!!!!!!!! help !!!!!!!!!!

brandon town

31-12-06, 20:44
Hi, I can't say I have had what you describe. However, I took up running a few months ago. When I first started, a few times after I had finished, all I wanted to do was go to bed and hide away (what I do when I am depressed) and cry. It freaked me a bit as I know exercise is supposed to make you feel good.
I don't know what caused it, unless it was something to do with the release of adrenalin and brain getting all mixed up because it is used to having the adrenalin as a result of anxiety. That make any sense? Thats what I thought it might be.
I am still running and it doesn't happen any more. Maybe with time your feelings will pass?

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

31-12-06, 21:05
Sometimes we have only to feel something the once and then everytime we do that activity again we relate it back and then feel it all over again.

I used to get anxious when I exercised incase I would collapse - so I made myself do loads of star jumps on the landing to the point of exhaustion. I didn't collapse but I realised that I didn't really have to do it this way and and a nice steady build up to exercise is always the most sensible way.

On a purely practical note I just wonder if you are eating enough - while you don't want to eat too near to exercising you do have to have some fuel in the tank. Perhaps keep a flapjack or banana or something and a drink to hand for when you've finished to put some fuel back!!

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-01-07, 03:16
hi btown,
i started at the gym a month ago, and i have noticed that i have my good days and my bad days....i dont get anxious and wierd after exercise like you do, but i do get whoosy when i am in the middle of a workout...anxious feelings of 'im gonna faint'...but of course, i havent fainted there yet....i am taking my exercise slowely, and when i feel faint i slow down....last time i was particuly anxious..and sadly had to stop..im about to go back tomorrow....i think you should just take it easy, and continue...as exercise is good for us

01-01-07, 09:21
thank you peach that made me feel alot better. ya i feel like i am gonna pass out cuz my heart rate goes up higher while i am already exercising due to tha anxiety. cant that give u a heart attack?

brandon town

01-01-07, 10:29
hi btown,
i have only ever heard of ppl having heart attacks while exercising when they have already have heart conditions..which they are usually born with..dont quote me on that tho, im no doctor....when i feel the dizzy faint feeling coming on, i tend to sip water, and slow down what im doing...and i tell myself im fine, and that i can stop and leave whenever i want...i also use the machines on the end..so i dont feel hemmed in, and i try to go in the times of day when i think theres less ppl...sounds crazy i know, but this is what my life has become lately...and im just doing the best i can to get my life back...cross fingers..mail me when every you like....

01-01-07, 19:35
i see. well my thing is i dont know if i have a heart problem. the doc hasnt done tests on me(recently/very present) and says i am fine its just anxiety. but this past july i had a very bad panic attack episode from a rockstar energy drink and went to the er and they took blood , did an ekg, and an x ray and they said that i have no signs of a heart problem and i am ok . but from july till now is it possible to develop heart disease? cuz i was anxiety free after i had those things done on me and knew i was fine and i ate like utter shat for like 4 or 5 months. so i dont know . what do u think about all that? or anyone?

brandon town

01-01-07, 19:43
I think that dreamy symptom is from breathing deep and hard such a lot. I get it too after much huffing and puffing in exercise.

01-01-07, 21:45
hi btown,
i would be very surprised if it was at all possible to get a heart condition within a few months from eating crap food...
i havent even had all those tests that you have had, my doc just listened to my heart and said it was fine...so im trying to beleive her educated opinion over my very medically uneducated opinion...lol..

im pretty sure its something your born with...maybe ask your doc about it next time you see him/her...i really think your fine if youve had all those tests done....just take it easy when you feel off

richard sharp
01-01-07, 22:33
hello btown,
i do sports studies in university and i have studied something very simular to the symptoms to what you are experiencing. the only advice that you could try that might help is to try working on a certain machine then having a little rest after you have finished on that machine to get your breath back.also, having some kind of glucose drink e.g.lucozade could also help.if not then water would be another good thing to have within your rest.the reason why you could be feeling like this is because of your breathing patterns while exercising or that you haven't eaten enough to keep your energy up before exercising.it is not dangerous so you have nothing to worry about.if you have any concerns ask a gym instructor for any advice i'm sure they will try their best to make you feel comfortable while you are exercising at their gym.
best wishes richard sharp's daughter

02-01-07, 01:10
It is very unlikely that you have heart disease - it takes years to develop this. If you have no other serious symptoms such as blackouts or dizzy spells and if you had your heart checked in July then I think it's unlikely that you have a heart problem. I know if I overdo it with exercise I feel dreadful - I think how you are feeling is partly from the exercise and partly from anxiety. Exercise releases adrenaline so it is not surprising you can feel edgy or weird afterwards.

My health anxiety is mostly focussed on my heart and I know that strenuous exercise makes me anxious because I believe I am straining my heart - my doctor says this isn't likely, you can increase your heart rate for a long time without doing harm if your heart is healthy. I now try to eat more healthily, and I'm finding this helps. The trouble is once you've convinced yourself that there is something wrong with your heart (like I have) it's very hard to drop that belief. It defies all logic. Hope you feel better soon.

02-01-07, 04:30
thankl u spuds. i dont black out but i do think i get faint spells . arent those when u get kinda dizzy? like when driving and stuff? cuz i get that. even right now i cant breathe that well and get a little dizzy. and my skin gets all hott and stuff. but yea if i had my blood taken , an x ray and a ekg and they said i am fine then are u sure i am pretty healthy?

brandon town