View Full Version : my mother is ruinging my life

miss diagnosis
31-12-06, 21:04
sorry need to get this off my chest

My mother is ruingin my life. since my dad dies she expects me to go stay with her 2 nights a week, drive her everywhere and if i do one thing wrong she is steaight on the phone to my oldest brother bitching and moaning about it. she treats me like crap and then makes me feel guilty if i refuse to do soemthing.She was here all over xmas and has since just been bitching about me even though she invited herself up
Now she is refusing to speak to me and i dont know why. she is in this brothers house for new years and she is ruining mine. AGAiIN

31-12-06, 21:22

poor you .

i think you should show her you are grown up now and have your own life to live .
she can be part of your life without running it .its not right for her to have you so upset and down you need to talk to her and let her know how upset you are .

01-01-07, 11:32

Sorry you are having a difficult time with your mother. Parents can be very difficult to cope with at times, look on the bright side while she is at your brothers and not talking to you, it is giving you some peace and quiet and your brother might get some idea of what you put up with from her.

She will start talking to you again, in the meantime relax put your feet up and wait for her to call you.



01-01-07, 12:43
Hi ((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))

its sad but i think a fact, parents who are looked after by their kids always think that the other kids who dont look after them are the bees knees. They begin to take you for granted. You need to give yourself time, and do nice things for yourself. if you sre on your own at the moment grab the opportunity! LYNNANN is right, I think your brother will soon see through it if he has her for a while.
TC xxxxxxxxxxx