View Full Version : Middle back pain - dull ache - so, so worried...

15-10-14, 13:48
I really need to get some advice/perspective as I’m trying really hard not to slip back into another episode of health anxiety.

For about a year and a half, I’ve had a niggling ache in my back on the right hand side. I think I’ve damaged a muscle in my back as it was around this time I lifted a really heavy board by myself and think I might have strained/pulled it. It’s not noticeable all the time and seems to be more noticeable when I’m leaning over, for example when at a desk…even then, it’s not exactly sore/painful, it’s more like a fairly deep ache. It comes and goes but it’s still there after all this time…It’s feels like it’s in between my shoulder blade and my backbone…sometimes it aches a bit lower down but usually is connected to the muscle that runs along side my spine. As I say, it comes and goes and doesn’t seem to be getting any worse. It’s not stopping me doing anything I wouldn’t normally do, nor is it messing with my sleep pattern.

Now normally I’d be just thinking that it’s upper back ache but I’ve heard that pancreatic cancer can cause the same symptom. I’m 40, fit, don’t smoke and I don’t drink (much) and am in generally good health, something I hope stands in my favour but I can feel my health anxiety creeping in.

I try and tell myself that with back problems, many people suffer for months or years with muscular/skeletal issues that aren’t life threatening but I just can get this pancreatic thing out of my head (I read on the news that author Iain Banks was diagnosed with cancer after having back pain and I think this is why I’m freaking out so much).

I’ve also been suffering with terrible GAD – so much so that the last attack a couple of months ago left me feeling sick with anxiety and I didn’t eat properly for almost two weeks. To top this off, I’ve lost half a stone in about a month and I’m now utterly, utterly convinced that the ongoing back ache, coupled with weight loss is a sign of either lung or pancreas cancer. I’m on the verge of going completely out of my mind - I really don’t want to go to the doctor because I know how stupid I’d sound but I really would appreciate any perspective or logic that anyone can offer. I know this sounds trivial but I’m completely terrified. I’m trying to tell myself that if it was anything bad it would have gotten a lot worse in 18 months rather than pretty much staying the same.

Feel so tired and drained lately – not sure if this is the effect of being in a heightened state of anxiety for ages or if it too is some indicator that there is something wrong more serious. Just can't think straight I'm so worried. Really need support and perspective.

15-10-14, 14:05
I can relate to this. For months i have had upper/middle back and shoulder pain. It has got worse recently since i have been so extremely overcome with HA.
Eventually my doctor sent me for chest xray - i'm pretty sure he didn't think i needed it, but i was going to doctors so often. whilst i was waiting for the results I had completely and utterly convinced myself it was lung cancer to the point where i was preparing to tell my family! the x-ray came back normal.

It seems like you know the cause of the pain and when it started, therefore it is almost certainly related to lifting that heavy object. it is worth going to the doctor just to let them know and they might suggest exercises you can do help?

Also, I have been going to see an Osteopath who has really helped with the back pain....I would highly recommend this or something similar.