View Full Version : feel worse...?

31-12-06, 21:05
Hi everybody,

Just a question...When youre feeling really terrible(as i have been for the past few days) do you think that when you read the forum nobody on here feels as bad as you right now and youre a lot worse than anybody else...? if that makes any sense.

Even though we all go through the same,i'm thinking nobody can possibly feel as bad as me right now.

I hope i dont sound awful by asking this but dont know if this happens to everybody or just me feeling sorry for meself...:(

Take care,Candie xx

31-12-06, 21:18
hi candie

sorry your not to good at the min .
i am having a few bad days to and yes i allways feel that i am the only one but i am sure its not the case .
it dosent sound awful it is just the way anxiety makes us .
hope you feel better soon .
tc jodie xx

31-12-06, 21:25

Yep - I think we all do.

We all like to think that we are worse than anyone else - it is human nature.

Someone recently sent me a PM and said you can't be as bad as me cos you still work. That hurt cos I was very very bad at one point but had to work to pay the mortgage or give up and go and live with my mum. I decided to panic at work and get paid for it instead of sitting at home panicking - that is all!

I also believe that none of my family ever knew how bad I actually was at one point!


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

01-01-07, 23:44
Its just the anxiety making us feel like that. It makes us feel so desperate that nothing can be worse than how we feel.

Though when I'm calming down again I always ask myself why I can't cope when I have my health and my family when so many other people are worse off than me. But I suppose thats my self esteem telling me I "could do better".

And no, you definitely do not sound awful. Nic is right, we all feel worse than everyone when things are bad. :D

Nic - its so sad that people can judge like that. We all carry on and do what we have to do to survive. I work and I do as much as I can to keep life as normal as possible for my little girl. My hubby can cope, but I will not see her life affected by my illness. So like you, I do carry on even when sometimes it IS extremely difficult! But I certainly couldn't do it without this wonderful forum and the great support we get here. [^]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

02-01-07, 00:17

I feel like that sometimes Candie thats why this site is so brilliant because when you come and read the posts you realise that loads of people are feeling terrible at the moment. Then you read another post where someone is doing better and you see that there IS light at the end of that tunnel.

Take care


02-01-07, 06:02
Yes, we all feel like that at times. Sometimes when I read how people have recovered I think 'they can't have been as bad as me' but I think that's just the anxiety talking. I'm sure we have all had some really awful times although anxiety symptoms are different for everyone.

Hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs, shoegal xxx

02-01-07, 09:28
I'm always the the other way round, I think that I am not as bad as a lot of people on here, lol. It kind of stops me feeling sorry for myself.