View Full Version : Labyrinthitus taking over Life.

15-10-14, 17:25
Hello new poster here looking for some help.

I was at works serving a customer (working in retail) I had an extreme bout of panic, convinced I was having a stroke, trouble speaking, heart beating out of my chest etc. Went to see the out of hours doctor and at A&E ended up having a panic attack again and was seen by the triage nurse who did EKG (normal) Blood sugar (normal) and Blood pressure (normal). I was then send home to get some rest and relax. I spent the next few weeks on edge worrying about every little thing and eventually got to the point where I didn't worry anymore about a month later.

Not long after I went away for a weekend with my girlfriend. When I got home after the weekend I was zoned out and had a sore neck and slight (not too obvious dizziness) The following weekend I was at work again serving customers and I had a sudden onset of dizziness so much so I couldn't sit and work. I then went to see the out of hours doctor again at A&E and had my worst panic attack to date. Tingling in hands, feet and face. Hyper ventilation. Severe dry mouth. I was in a right state. After wards I went home and convinced myself I was fine and I would go and see my GP on the next working day. That night I had quite a sever onset of symptoms fever, night sweats, constantly worrying about my heart etc. The next day all I did was sit on the sofa and sleep.

I then went to the GP and he diagnosed it as viral labrithitus and recommended I have blood tests and chest xray as I was experiencing shortness of breath. I was not given any medication and told to ride it out. I then went to get my chest xray and blood tests and was convincing myself between the actual test and getting the results I would have something severely wrong. Needless to say they came back clear. I have since then improved and am no longer dizzy most of the time. However all I can think about is how I have something seriously wrong and how I am going to die. I worry about every little ache and pain too much and have self diagnosed myself with all the ailments under the sun just an hour ago I had kidney failure as I managed to spit up black stuff (shortly after a bottle of DR Pepper). I have diagnosed this as heart failure lung cancer brain tumors. You name it.

I would just like to know if anyone has had a similar experience. And what I can do to combat this.

Just some facts to help you all understand my condition a little better:

18 Years old
Usually health and fit. 40+ miles on a bike on a good day.
Natural worrier
This condition is stopping me from going to school or work and seeing friends and people I care about (girlfriend etc.)

Is there anything I can do to help this condition and if so what?



---------- Post added at 17:25 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

Forgot to mention dates so here are is the timeline:

16th August - First panic attack
Back to normal around the 1st Sept.

27th- September - Second attack

and its been nearly 3 weeks!

15-10-14, 19:55
Ok, so here's what I think.
Labrynthitus isn't taking over your life...anxiety is.

You are following a classic pattern - you were ill, you had a panic attack and now you're terrified you're going to have more panic attacks.
That fear is causing you to feel more anxious, which is in turn increasing your anxiety symptoms...which makes you think you're actually ill...which increase your anxiety...which causes you to panic...which increases your symptoms - you get the idea!

The best thing you can do for yourself is to download the No More Panic CBT for Panic booklets (link in the sticky at the top of the page) and read them. They will help you understand what anxiety is, what causes it and how to deal with it.
Once you understand what's happening, you will be less afraid - which will help reduce your anxiety.
Another brilliant sanity-saver is Self Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes (you can buy it on Amazon). Just reading the first few chapters will calm you right down.
You aren't going mad, you aren't going to die, you WILL get better.x

16-10-14, 02:36
Hello there, I got diagnosed with labs in Feb 2013. And I am still dizzy now. Its important to understand that anxiety is a vicious circle with vestibular problems.

I have a condition called MAV now. Its migraine dizziness.If you need any more info, help or reassurance then feel free to contact me.

Labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis is usually a sudden onset of rotational vertigo with or without vomiting.,labs usual has done sort of hearing problems. Like me I have tinnitus for the rest of my life in my right ear. VN you get no hearing issues. Usual time for labs to clear is 2-16 weeks. It's important to carry on as normal do as much as you can to help with compensation. Vestibular suppressants like stemitel should only be used in the acute stage as they hinder compensation.

It is a challenging condition, I know. But I've learnt to live with it.I am a small minority who has a damaged vestibular system so I'm left with residue dizziness, I have vestibular rehabilitation exercises to do.I also have problem with neck pain.

Panic attacks, derealization, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, anxiety, tinnitus, headaches more, are all part of it.

Some conditions that I've heard of many times over on my group that people think they have is, heart problems, stroke, tumour, multiple sclerosis,..it isn't. I promise you.

Please get in touch if you need to ask about a symptom,or need help :)

24-10-14, 14:24
Sorry that the reply to this was so late.

Thank you for the replies. I bought the book you recommended and it helped (unfortunately the help was short lived). I went to see my GP after the results were back. He said that I was suffering anxiety and that it was likely all in my head (looks like you hit the nail on the head.) I then went back to the doctors after having bouts of lacking sensation and a mind that was "too clear" so I could not think with dizziness and eye flashes. I fell into the MS pit by the looks of it and was convinced. I am now looking into teaching my body to breath again as i have chronic shortness of breath and the dizziness feels associated.

So to keep the ball rolling are there any breathing exercises you could suggest to get back from breathing into my upper chest and back to normal breathing. Secondly are lack of sensations (as in my sensations are there but are "dulled") common with anxiety or labrinthitus :)

Anyway thankyou for all your suggestions and I am starting the start of getting back to myself.

Furthermore I have been been suggested to start CBT so I have signed up for it starting with an assessment on the 27th with the NHS. Not sure if this means it will be "same time next week" or I will actually be waiting for a course of CBT after this assessment anyone had any experience with this? thanks again

Sam (well not quite but hopefully soon!)

14-12-14, 12:11
Yes I had initial assessment then they referred me that was 9 weeks ago and I'm still waiting it's ridiculous I am seeking help elsewhere as it's too long to wait x