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View Full Version : Mark on ball of foot!

15-10-14, 23:55
Hi I am new on here and have suffered HA Since i was 20 and am now 40 although it defiantly seems to be getting worse quickly as I get older! I have just had a round of blood tests that I insisted upon and then spent 3 days panicking, no sleep and no food. They came back ok today and now i have found a light brown mark on the ball of my foot about 10mm long that I have never noticed before and after consulting Google yet again my anxiety is through the roof again! My boyfriend thinks it is a small bruise under the skin but I don't know what to think. Has anyone else had one of these? It makes me even more anxious as I had a bcc 2 years ok which kept getting brushed off and finally removed. Thank u Nat 99

16-10-14, 01:40
I've got small pink rectangle mark on the bottom of my foot which I can't identify at all either

16-10-14, 07:07
Is it on the ball of your foot? What did doc say?

16-10-14, 07:48
It's towards the back not shown a doctor yet I think it maybe just a blemish but I'm not too sure

16-10-14, 17:38
I have just noticed a light brown mark on the ball of my foot about 10mm and my HA has hit the roof - have an apt tomorrow but haven't eaten or slept, My boyfriend thinks it is a type of bruise and reckons I may have stood on something as under the skin and doesn't really look like a mole. Its on the ball of my foot so weird place too :( I have been posting but not sure if coming through - are we allowed to upload photos. I did see a doc last night and she said she doesn't "think" its anything to worry about and to get I checked again in 10 days - 10 days! :(

16-10-14, 19:19
I will merge this with your other thread about the same thing