View Full Version : Hospital stay and trying to keep the dragon at bay

16-10-14, 01:47
It all started last Tuesday night. My daughter had a stomach virus over the weekend and I had gotten it too. The usual vomiting and diarrhea. On Wednesday I was very ill and I was at the point where I couldn't even hold down water. Thursday morning I'm so weak I can barely move my legs. I called my GP who instructed me to go to the ER. I thought I was just dehydrated and needed an IV. When I got there they tell met heart rate is 130 bpm and my temperature is almost 104F.
I spend 24 hours in the ER which was terrible and they gave me a CAT scan and told me I had a colitis and would need to stay in the hospital for a few days receiving and IV with antibodics as well as an IV to hydrate.
I ended up staying 5 days in the hospital. I was away from my 2 year old and 4 year old. I was so sick I really thought at one point I would die. I didn't panic however I remained calm. I'm home now and on oral antibodics for 10 days and they make my stomach hurt. I have to go for a colonoscopy in 4 weeks and I'm scared that I have something really wrong like cancer or a bowel disease. The doctors told me it was just to be safe. I've been so good at managing my health anxiety. I don't want this to set me back. I am using my tools so that I don't obsess over this test. I need some words of encouragement friends.

16-10-14, 02:03
It all started last Tuesday night. My daughter had a stomach virus over the weekend and I had gotten it too. The usual vomiting and diarrhea. On Wednesday I was very ill and I was at the point where I couldn't even hold down water. Thursday morning I'm so weak I can barely move my legs. I called my GP who instructed me to go to the ER. I thought I was just dehydrated and needed an IV. When I got there they tell met heart rate is 130 bpm and my temperature is almost 104F.
I spend 24 hours in the ER which was terrible and they gave me a CAT scan and told me I had a colitis and would need to stay in the hospital for a few days receiving and IV with antibodics as well as an IV to hydrate.
I ended up staying 5 days in the hospital. I was away from my 2 year old and 4 year old. I was so sick I really thought at one point I would die. I didn't panic however I remained calm. I'm home now and on oral antibodics for 10 days and they make my stomach hurt. I have to go for a colonoscopy in 4 weeks and I'm scared that I have something really wrong like cancer or a bowel disease. The doctors told me it was just to be safe. I've been so good at managing my health anxiety. I don't want this to set me back. I am using my tools so that I don't obsess over this test. I need some words of encouragement friends.

Hey Rose, Don't worry about it, its most likely nothing to worry about, the colonoscopy is a good thing, its just to see if anything else is causing it, and like you say, your daughter had it first, then you caught it from her, which is very common, and you wouldn't of fallen sick if your daughter did not have it,
I'm sure it's just a precaution and as your doctor says, its just to be safe, and its better to be safe, I say, go for it, and if they do find something, at least they will catch it early and treat it. :)

Were you feeling normal before you caught it?

16-10-14, 03:38
Really sorry to hear this Rose.

Take the positives from it though because you had a major test here and you got through it without your panic flaring which has to be a good sign of how you are able to cope.

It sounds like your major fear here is losing the control you have gained. It doesn't have to be this way, you held it together fine in the hospital despite being very ill. Also, anybody without an anxiety disorder would be worried about this colonoscopy so try to see it that way and remember that you won't lose control and even if you did, you have got beyond it before so you can do it again.

Use your tools, distract yourself from anxiety and you will get through it.

I have money on you getting through this fine, coming out the other end of the test and posting back on here about how well you handled it all :flowers:

16-10-14, 03:46
Well I'm currently on the toliet prepping for my colonoscopy tomorrow morning. I have to drink half a gallon of PEG3350. After all the information I read on the Web I was scared to drink this stuff. Because people said it was the most disgusting thing ever.

With that said I did a simply low fiber diet to prep. And the drink well it tastes fine. Honestly nothing to worry about. I had actually come on here to post about my anxiety for having the procedure finally done tomorrow. In my mind I know I'm ok... but that little dragon keeps showing his little head telling me they are going to find asomething sinister.

As with about tell things try to keep your head right... I'm just turned 34 today so this is totally early for me and it is about tell bit nerve.. but I must stay positive. And so must you.

As far as the prep which is supposed to be the "worst experience ever" hasn't been bad at all.. no cramping. No bad taste. Nada. Just a small inconvenience to help put my our minds att ease.

Best of luck to you, hope you feel better and don't forget to keep us updated.

Ps my girlfriends in the other room roasting some chicken. . I haven't had solid foods since 9 pm last night!!! Oh the torture haha

16-10-14, 07:06
Oh bless you I hope you're feeling better now xx

17-10-14, 18:22
Thank you everyone :)

17-10-14, 18:33
Hi there glad you are feeling better I was the same 3 weeks ago in hospital for ten days then out and my anxiety is sky high docs have put me back on tabs again started them last night and feel awful today ? We will get through this take care ?:)Xx

17-10-14, 20:33
Sorry to hear you haven't been well Ros:hugs::hugs:eEve, I hope you are well again soon. :hugs:

17-10-14, 20:45
Sending you best wishes Rose Eve xx

17-10-14, 21:12
Sheesh RoseE! What have I told you about using public bathrooms?! ;)

Kidding aside, sorry to hear you caught a bug and glad to hear you're doing better.

You're one that has the tools to keep things on the upside. Docs are doing what they have to do to cover their butts (and yours). I'm sure all will be fine :)

Positive thoughts

18-10-14, 01:31
Sorry to hear that pcdaft. Yes we will get through it. I'm just feeling beaten down. I feel kind of depressed but I'm sure it will pass. Fishmanpa you always make me laugh! Thank you everyone I appreciate all the support :)

18-10-14, 01:42
You'll be fine RoseEve, you are strong and determined. You just need some stuff to take your mind away from the worrying. How about watching some Comedy Shows on TV to help you chill out. Health Anxiety is hard to battle and I have it too, but I am determined it is not going to ruin my Life. I have to keep my Mind occupied all the time so try and think of things you can do to take Mind off of it until you feel strong again.

18-10-14, 16:06
That's ok but try and keep your spirits up ? I am trying to do the same take care speak soon x:)

19-10-14, 02:07

19-10-14, 09:38
You can fight it back, RoseEve. Promise. You're strong and the dragon has nothing on you. It's horrible to be sick, especially when it's what we're the most frightened of. Watch some of your favourite films and maybe play some little mobile games? They always occupy my mind xx

19-10-14, 14:28
I've been doing just that :) I've also been getting out if the house so I feel better. Tomorrow is my 2 year old sons evaluation because he isn't really speaking. I'm nervous about that too. This is a very trying time but I'm not giving in to the dragon. I'm just taking it one day at a time.

19-10-14, 16:59
That's the way to do it and we're all here for you too :hugs: