View Full Version : ebola! scared but also a little help.

16-10-14, 07:58
Ok so I work in a charity shop and have to sort through donations of clothes now I was worried I had caught ebola especially since I feel a bit hot and just generally like I have a cold coming. But no 1 if there had been someone come in to my shop that had it or someone had donated someones clothes we haven't had a case yet in the UK so this would be impossible! 2: I was out in the cold for a full 8 hours yesterday. Anyway would still like some reassurance off you lovely people.

Ok so for the bit that might help. Really helped me last night.

16-10-14, 13:16
Ebola is spread (I believe) through body fluids - like sweat and blood, so the chances you have contracted it via the ways that worry you are pretty slim to none hun.

I purposely haven't read anything about Ebola (just saw a brief snippet in the paper yesterday) as it becomes just another thing to get anxious about, and I personally don't need any help with that, lol.

Anyway, try to worry not. x:hugs:

16-10-14, 13:26
We do not have any cases of Ebola in the UK at the moment, and unless you have come into direct contact with someone who actively has the disease, then you have no chance of catching it.

Colds and flu are spread by moisture droplets in the air (such as when someone sneezes), which is why so many people catch them at this time of year!