View Full Version : waking every morning for no reason

16-10-14, 09:26
For the last week now,iv been waking up around the same sort of time 3.30 for no reason at all.when i fall to sleep i do not have anything on my mind and drift of piecfully.so why is it i keep waking like an alarm clock for no reason around 3.30am,its driving me mad.this happend a few years ago and it got worse and i could not break the cycle and even when i take a sleeping pill 20mg tamazapan im still waking at this silly time...WHY WHAT THE HELL MAKES ME WAKE even after sleeping pills that would norm knock me out for hrs,

16-10-14, 12:05
same here Greg every night i wake at about 12.30 go back to sleep if im lucky and then wake again 3.30-4ish
Its very tiring ,sometimes if you are on ADs they can do this but im on olanzapine which is sedating ! The other night even sleeping pills wouldnt get me to sleep ,im going though a rough patch with sleep at the moment so I know how you feel

16-10-14, 12:44
andy im on olanzipine ro.5mg and have been fot months now.allso 200mg of trazadone.all was fine uptill a couple of weeks ago.then out of no where iv started waking which is efecting my depression and moods.i feel tired but dont feel i can just have a laydown or nap.at least im not alone sadly

16-10-14, 12:50
andy im on olanzipine ro.5mg and have been fot months now.allso 200mg of trazadone.all was fine uptill a couple of weeks ago.then out of no where iv started waking which is efecting my depression and moods.i feel tired but dont feel i can just have a laydown or nap.at least im not alone sadly
im on 5mg at night as well,its the same for me mate it really effects my mood.Going into work with only a few hours sleep is horrible.I also cant seem to nap or have a power sleep ,my mind just wont switch off !

16-10-14, 12:57
when i was first put on olanzipine it worked brilliant all good but as time has gone by its not working very well.even if i have a strong sleeping pill im still waking up.im wondering if its because of my lifestyle and worrys.prob the same for you mate

16-10-14, 13:10
i wont touch sleeping meds they dont seem to work for me anyhow
Ive been trying to go to bed later so that im really really tired which helps a bit,im up at 5.30 every day so not even a chance of a lie in !

16-10-14, 14:06
shame mate.iv tried going to bed early and late.dosnt seem to make any differents.still waking early..lifes a bitch.

16-10-14, 15:07
hello mate its to do with your body being geared up if you think your mind is rested it can take time for that adrenaline to get out your system from your last anxiety issue......have you tried a bit of cardio to burn it off?

16-10-14, 15:14
well my lifestyle hasnt changed really and my sleeping was good uptill last couple of weeks .i walk every day about 5-6 miles and settle down around 7pm time.so not sure of the problem.i am going to be moving next week into my own flat and there is so much to do.maybe this is causing my sleep problems.i dont know.but what i do know is i am very tired today from not sleeping over the last few days.i can feel my anxiety is higher each day im not sleeping.so just need one good night without waking

16-10-14, 15:15
ive tried ,meditation,exercise,sleep tablets,herbal tablets etc but nothing seems to work
I must admit exercise does help but by the time i get home after being up so early im knackered !

16-10-14, 15:21
perhaps things are are on your mind you just don't realise another thing I can say is if I have more than a couple of beers I could have wrote word for word your original thread

17-10-14, 09:44
last night i had two cans of cider.then at 9pm i took a sleeling pilthen at 9.30pm i went to bed.plus i took my meds.but still i woke around 4am.its as if there is a alarm clock built into my mind.what the hell is going on.its becoming to be a regular daily thing now.

17-10-14, 12:14
Greg try going to bed later for a while ,it did help me a bit
Last night i slept through till 5 which is good for me

17-10-14, 12:37
andy norm i goto bed at 11.but last night was so tired from days if early waking.norm a sleeping pill on its own sends me in a deap sleep till around 7-8 am.i will try going to bed a bit latter see what happens.thing is if i goto bed latter and still wake early that meens even less sleep

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------

maybe when i move into my own place in a week i might settle

17-10-14, 13:06
andy norm i goto bed at 11.but last night was so tired from days if early waking.norm a sleeping pill on its own sends me in a deap sleep till around 7-8 am.i will try going to bed a bit latter see what happens.thing is if i goto bed latter and still wake early that meens even less sleep

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 ----------

maybe when i move into my own place in a week i might settle
yes being in your own bed will make a big difference ,how long you got to wait now ?

17-10-14, 13:25
its been three weeks now.im waiting for them to put a new door on then formaly offer the flat to me.then sign the contract etc.hopefull this week coming

17-10-14, 13:32
its been three weeks now.im waiting for them to put a new door on then formaly offer the flat to me.then sign the contract etc.hopefull this week coming
once your settled I think things will improve for you,I know since ive suffered with anxiety I like to be settled to get stable
everybody is rooting for you :yesyes:

17-10-14, 13:49
cheers andy.just fees like iv bumed around for so long now.last 18 month moved 6 times from piller to post.sleeping on sofas etc in different houses.drained from it and have had enough of it.hopefuly my anxiety and depression will calm down a bit when im settled in.do you live on your own mate or with a partner etc.what job you in

17-10-14, 13:51
You have always had trouble sleeping at your sisters Greg and I am sure it will improve when you are in your place. Not long to wait now.

17-10-14, 14:07
your right annie i have allways had a prob sleeping well at my sisters.wish these bloody people would sort there act out so i can move in and start getting on with my life.

17-10-14, 14:47
cheers andy.just fees like iv bumed around for so long now.last 18 month moved 6 times from piller to post.sleeping on sofas etc in different houses.drained from it and have had enough of it.hopefuly my anxiety and depression will calm down a bit when im settled in.do you live on your own mate or with a partner etc.what job you in
im married with a 3 year daughter,i work in high pressure sales and have no idea how i have kept my job for the last two years.But im still here and still surviving thats why i always say to people there is always hope and a light at the end of the tunnel

17-10-14, 15:01
ah.thats nice to hear mate.lovely you have a nice family and job.do you have many friends outside your marage that you interact with

17-10-14, 15:03
ah.thats nice to hear mate.lovely you have a nice family and job.do you have many friends outside your marage that you interact with
not really i have small circle of very close friends but thats all.They all know about my mental health problems and are very supportive which is nice.My mom had a nervous breakdown 10 years ago so she is the one i turn to when im struggling ,she understands because she has been through it.
If I sleep well I can be a different person its amazing how much sleep effects me

17-10-14, 15:30
sounds like you have plenty of suport mate.unfortunate for me my family all know i have mental health but are useless for support.i love my mum and dad very much but they just do not understand my health and how it efects me each day.there not the sort of people that understand what im going through.iv tried to talk to them but they just dont get it or realize what goes on in my head.your right about sleep.my moods have got very low since not sleeping through and my anxiety has got really bad with face pain and the constant feeling of dred following me around all day.they just think im fine.id love to have someone who i could talk to and pour my heart out to.its friday and im going out for a cury tonight with my parents and should be looking forward to it.but im not because iv got tons ov adrenalin rushing through me today and feel so low and tired im strugling to even have a conversation because my head is so full of negative thoughts and pain.i wish they knew what was going on

17-10-14, 15:39
I know worrying about everything and moving house and not sleeping properly are really making me feel tired and lethargic a lot of the time, it seems to be nearly impossible to shake it off unless I just concentrate on something else and try to forget about it and even that only works very short time too.

17-10-14, 15:40
still go though Greg ,at least its getting you out the house.Believe me ive had times where I wouldnt want to go outside but I pushed through it and to be honest im feeling quite good at the moment.It has taken a lot of time and patience but you can get better.I think you have had a lot to think about with your new flat etc so its bound to be on your mind.Once your in and can get stuck into decorating it should take your mind off things
Its a shame there isnt a local group you can go to and get things of your chest
If I am honest the support I got in the Birmingham area was spot on and couldnt be faulted

17-10-14, 15:53
i know what you meen lucy your in the same boat as me.but i feel like my boat is slowly sinking each day and i will soon end up in the water.and i cant swim.very stresfull timed ahead.andy i will be going out tonight i love a good cury.i just wish i could feel happy just for one moment so i can enjoy the night..its a shame we are all scatered around the country.it would have been great to meet up with peoploe on no more panic.what a night that would be

---------- Post added at 15:53 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

im the same andy.iv tried everything.unlike you i dont have to get up early.although i wish i did have to get up and goto work so i had a purpose to get up.whats your plans for the weekend mate.are you out or do you stay in with your family ?

17-10-14, 15:56
i know what you meen lucy your in the same boat as me.but i feel like my boat is slowly sinking each day and i will soon end up in the water.and i cant swim.very stresfull timed ahead.andy i will be going out tonight i love a good cury.i just wish i could feel happy just for one moment so i can enjoy the night..its a shame we are all scatered around the country.it would have been great to meet up with peoploe on no more panic.what a night that would be

---------- Post added at 15:53 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

im the same andy.iv tried everything.unlike you i dont have to get up early.although i wish i did have to get up and goto work so i had a purpose to get up.whats your plans for the weekend mate.are you out or do you stay in with your family ?
chill with the family ,I try and spend as much time with my daughter as I can she is the world to me :)

17-10-14, 16:00
ah.thats lovely mate.family man.good for you.chiled night in with your family.love it

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------

what about you lucy ? what do you get upto at the weekend.do you stay in with family or do you go out with the girls

17-10-14, 16:28
I don't go anywhere I just stay in with my cat.

17-10-14, 16:31
lol.why dont you go out.do you have friends.although staying in with your cat has no presure to talk to people if you dont want to.that sounds cozy.maybe ill get a pet.never thought about that

17-10-14, 17:38
No I don't have any friends at all. I am new to this area too so don't know people yet, I have a lovely cream burmese cat who is just so affectionate.

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

lol.why dont you go out.do you have friends.although staying in with your cat has no presure to talk to people if you dont want to.that sounds cozy.maybe ill get a pet.never thought about that.

Keeping a pet is a lot of work too Greg and they are very costly especially if you insure your pet. That would be another about £35 a month.

18-10-14, 03:06
I can understand this. I'm not new to my area, been here all my life, but I lost my friends along the way and a lot of my mates were work buddies so when I lost my career, I wasn't around them anymore.

Its hard making new friends. I don't feel the social anxiety thesedays that I know many others do, I'm pretty open to people, but I'm just not in situations where you can make them. I guess I could do with joining a club or something and see if that brings anything? I wouldn't mind getting into martial arts for various reasons so thats one option I guess.

It was always easy finding mates years ago, you either find them at work or when you go out drinking. When you don't do that, its surprising to see how little contact you seem to have with anybody.

(Can you tell I'm from a working class area? :D)

18-10-14, 13:29
Lol.i know what you meen mate.it wad easy finding friends years ago,i used to run a karaoke and worked the pubs,i made so many friends back then,it was easy,i loved going out running the karaoke,whst a buzz.was so busy .but as you say when you come away from things and time goes by,you loose contact with your old mates etc,as you get older and more detatched from the social network,you find it hard to make new mates.if i go into a pub on my own,i always see groups of guys that all know each other from work etc and constant vissits to the pub,and you need to go every day so your face becomes familier before they start to say hi ,but still its hard to get in with them,life sucks

18-10-14, 20:44
I don't have a job and I don't go out drinking so as you say there is little chance to make friends especially when you move to a new area and you don't know any of them. Its coming down to the end of the year now so I am quite happy organising my new flat and finding indoor hobbies to take up my time I guess.

18-10-14, 20:48
Well very positive lucy,sounds like you have it together and plans,i hope ill be in the same boat next week

18-10-14, 20:58
Lol.i know what you meen mate.it wad easy finding friends years ago,i used to run a karaoke and worked the pubs,i made so many friends back then,it was easy,i loved going out running the karaoke,whst a buzz.was so busy .but as you say when you come away from things and time goes by,you loose contact with your old mates etc,as you get older and more detatched from the social network,you find it hard to make new mates.if i go into a pub on my own,i always see groups of guys that all know each other from work etc and constant vissits to the pub,and you need to go every day so your face becomes familier before they start to say hi ,but still its hard to get in with them,life sucks

Yes but you did enjoy that curry?

18-10-14, 21:17
Yes lucy i did,it was so nice to be out with my mum and dad,i love them both so very much,great company,it was a great night thanks

18-10-14, 21:24
Yes lucy i did,it was so nice to be out with my mum and dad,i love them both so very much,great company,it was a great night thanks
Well done Greg,good times are round the corner

18-10-14, 22:10
Thanks andy.had a lovely time.and tonight spending it with my sister.what you upto this weekend

18-10-14, 22:16
Getting the house tidy and ready for a big birthday pary for my wife next weekend,it's her 40th :)

18-10-14, 22:20
Ohh nice one mate lovely, a nice part,love it,lots to do for you then.i rem being 40.time goes by very quick,whats your plans for her,

18-10-14, 22:21
Oh Mr Andy that is what I like to hear...a man doing housework :)

---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

40 was a long time ago for me :)

18-10-14, 22:28
I love housework

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ----------

Cant wait to get in my flat and start with the housework

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------


18-10-14, 22:33
I hv bn waking anywhere between 3-4 & struggling to go back to sleep again.
I believe when there's alot going on in our lies, this just happens.
Frustrating tho it is.. We have to try & contend with it.
Have resorted to doing things like counting backwards from 999 to occupy my mind & stop myself thinking about daily stresses.
Bit I believe it's day to day stresses that do this.
In the end As I say I try some kind of distraction that keeps my mind off my stresses & focuses me onto something that might help me go off to sleep again.

18-10-14, 22:37
Tessar,iv tried that counting back from.100 .i get bored and loose focus its so hard to keep up and stayed focused

19-10-14, 07:01
I seem to have a decent relationship with some of the staff at my local Tesco, the amount of times I've been in there as I do a lot of walking! Amazing what bargains you can pick up in the reduced to clear though.

I used some of Paul McKenna's visualisation CD's ages ago and he had you counting back like that over & over again until the track finished. Its a distraction technique and I used it sometimes at work at the same time as accupressure for my nausea and it did help calm me down but it got harder to achieve as the anxiety intensified.

Anyone ever tried relaxing music?

19-10-14, 08:13
Terry, that's really interesting what you said about Paul McKenna using the counting backwards technique. I had no idea it was something that is widely used.

Greg....At 3.00 a.m. I was awake & was going thro people's names A-Z ..... I did that one twice & then started on naming counties. I did find my mind wandering but you have to just bring your focus back to where you want it to be. I suppose you could say it's about retaining yourself & being disciplined. Not easy but very well worth it because it's an important step in the right direction & one of the building blocks towards recovery :-)

19-10-14, 08:31
He explains he uses it as a distraction for the conscious mind so that he can use the sounds & his instructions to reach the subconscious mind because normally the logical brain will stand in the way and analyse. I guess it makes sense.

I think simple things like this require our focus so our conscious mind shifts it focus away from what the subconscious is sending it. Its like when you focus on an object.

19-10-14, 10:17
Ohh nice one mate lovely, a nice part,love it,lots to do for you then.i rem being 40.time goes by very quick,whats your plans for her,

Got 50 people coming round in the day,I've ordered an outside company to do a barbecue and got a bouncy castle for the kids :yesyes:
Annie I can't get away without do housework in this house :)
Nice that your house proud Greg ,when you get your flat you can do it how you want

19-10-14, 10:37
Good Luck for today MrAndy:hugs:

19-10-14, 10:42
Terry iv tried the counting back from 500 before and i find myself wandering off the counting,i try to pull myself back but just loose my thought,i find it realy hard to focus on it,my mind just wont settle into it,i find myself thinking of all my worys and focus on them,so i start the count again,but just can stay with it.
Andy 50 people wow,you have your hands full there mate,i hope the weather is good for you,last BBQ of the year then,that will keep your mind busy .yes my flat will be spotless mate,i love cleaning.nothing nicer than a clean home to sit in

19-10-14, 11:46
cheers guys
this guys videos are good to help you sleep

19-10-14, 13:25
cheers mate.judt had a listen to the video.looks good mate.ill give it a go

Minstrel Memories
19-10-14, 13:36
I hope your party is a great success you certainly seem to have made a great effort.
Good on you

20-10-14, 06:14
Terry iv tried the counting back from 500 before and i find myself wandering off the counting,i try to pull myself back but just loose my thought,i find it realy hard to focus on it,my mind just wont settle into it,i find myself thinking of all my worys and focus on them,so i start the count again,but just can stay with it.
Andy 50 people wow,you have your hands full there mate,i hope the weather is good for you,last BBQ of the year then,that will keep your mind busy .yes my flat will be spotless mate,i love cleaning.nothing nicer than a clean home to sit in

I used to have that problem with it too Greg. I would just start again from roughly where I left off. I was using it alongside visualisation at the time so my mind got distracted from time to time.

Other than than I used it as something to focus hard on when my panic was rising so that I didn't think about that.

20-10-14, 09:50
good day yesterday but i woke again last night at 3am and couldnt go back to sleep,its annoying me now why this is happening .Some nights i sleep fine there is no ryhme or reason to it !

20-10-14, 12:06
terry.understand very frustrating i just cant seem to stay focused when i try to relax.wish i could just goto sleep like normal people.
i can feel your pain andy im the same mate and because im still at my sisters waiting for my flat,when i wake im stuck awake in a small lonely bedroom.cant wait to be able to get out of bed and go and lay on the soffa..what do you do when you wake early? do you get up or just lay there and try and fall back

20-10-14, 12:15
terry.understand very frustrating i just cant seem to stay focused when i try to relax.wish i could just goto sleep like normal people.
i can feel your pain andy im the same mate and because im still at my sisters waiting for my flat,when i wake im stuck awake in a small lonely bedroom.cant wait to be able to get out of bed and go and lay on the soffa..what do you do when you wake early? do you get up or just lay there and try and fall back
i try not to get anxious and just lie there as still as possible.When im really bad and restless I go downstairs and lie on the sofa !
We dont need this shit do we Greg :)

20-10-14, 12:44
no we dont need it mate.such a normal thing as sleeping but so powerfull to healthy living,and we cant have it.i went through a bad bad period of insomnia a couple of years ago.i though i was going to be stuck with it..it lasted for months literaly waking like clockwork around 2am and not being able to go back to sleep literaly.id be down stairs till my family all got up for work and school.then i started to feel really tired.this was going on for weeks.i never thought id get out of the routen of it.i found getting up and staying downstars made things worse.as i got into a bad routen.lol.something so basic as sleeping at nigjt was made out to be so unkind.

20-10-14, 12:57
no we dont need it mate.such a normal thing as sleeping but so powerfull to healthy living,and we cant have it.i went through a bad bad period of insomnia a couple of years ago.i though i was going to be stuck with it..it lasted for months literaly waking like clockwork around 2am and not being able to go back to sleep literaly.id be down stairs till my family all got up for work and school.then i started to feel really tired.this was going on for weeks.i never thought id get out of the routen of it.i found getting up and staying downstars made things worse.as i got into a bad routen.lol.something so basic as sleeping at nigjt was made out to be so unkind.
what snapped you out of it Greg ? i slept really well at the weekend and go to bed with a clear mind

20-10-14, 13:05
i was put on sleeing pills for weeks.then when i stoped taking them it was worse than ever.rebound insomnia.i went to the doctors and they gave me olanzipine and trazadone.i started sleeping much better after being on them but still at the moment have bad nights prob due to my lifestyle.not working lots of stress and worrys.but the meds really helped

20-10-14, 13:10
i was put on sleeing pills for weeks.then when i stoped taking them it was worse than ever.rebound insomnia.i went to the doctors and they gave me olanzipine and trazadone.i started sleeping much better after being on them but still at the moment have bad nights prob due to my lifestyle.not working lots of stress and worrys.but the meds really helped
im back on olanzapine but it doesnt seem to be having the same effect as before.It always kept me asleep or let me go back to sleep when I woke up.I suppose 5mg is only a small dose and my body has got used to it

20-10-14, 13:14
migjt be mate.im only on 5mg to.bit i think its the trazadone that really helps.ever since iv been on trazadone iv slept much better mate.try that

25-10-14, 17:30
Have you got the keys to your flat yet Greg?

25-10-14, 17:57
Hi lucy.yes im in it tonight,all very empty tho,been stripping the walls today,lots to do,i think about three weeks and it should all be done,

25-10-14, 22:21
Have you got carpets, a bed and cooker?

26-10-14, 10:59
yes getting that all sorted in the next few days.

26-10-14, 11:18
nice one greg

26-10-14, 13:07
Great to hear that you have got the keys now Greg, it will be feeling like home in a few weeks when you get everything sorted.

---------- Post added at 13:07 ---------- Previous post was at 13:05 ----------

I there is anything you need try here https://groups.freecycle.org/group/Hemel_UK/posts/all
My son furnished most of his house from freecycle.

26-10-14, 16:56
thanks annie for the info.look forward to that feeling.typicle tho.since the day iv moved in im full of bloody cold.teath ache eyes streaming nose blocked.lol.

31-10-14, 09:49
how you getting on Greg ?

31-10-14, 18:30
Hi andy,not to bad.lots to do in my flat,just wish i wouldnt keep waking at silly times in the morning,how you doing mate,are you getting much sleep nowadays

31-10-14, 19:32
Hi andy,not to bad.lots to do in my flat,just wish i wouldnt keep waking at silly times in the morning,how you doing mate,are you getting much sleep nowadays

Yes not to bad,I wake at 4.30-5 most mornings and got used to it to be honest
Hope your settling into the flat ok and it's keeping you busy :yesyes:

Catherine S
01-11-14, 02:15
Congrats on the flat Greg, and with regards to the sleeping issue...the people who do the sleep research studies always say not to worry about it too much because our anxiety about it just makes it worse. So if we sleep for 8 hours great, if not its also ok...our body clocks will programme themselves again eventually. Not great for people having to get up early for a full working day ahead, but the price to pay for living with constant worries. The secret is to accept that constant worrying throughout the day will always rob us of sleep, but adding extra worry about it doesn't help, not easy I know. I'm sure your body clock will find its own rhythm...it might not be the usual 7 or 8 hours recommended but it will be whatever you need to function. It will happen with a bit of routine and time.

Best wishes

---------- Post added at 03:15 ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 ----------

Just wanted to add that when I drank alcohol every evening at home, my sleep was always cut short even if I fell into an alcohol induced sleep, I would sleep never more than 4 hours before waking up again...feeling like crap of course, but it was always 4 hours...really strange. Since giving up drinking so much I do sleep better even if it takes me longer to drift off and I do sleep for longer without the nightly alcohol habit I have to say.

01-11-14, 09:11
thanks ..isb...im hoping onve im.settled and in a routen ill sleep better esp when im actualy sleeping in my bedroom and not on a mattress on the front room floor..time will tell..