View Full Version : Holiday in 2 hours

16-10-14, 09:57

I suffer with generalised anxiety and panic attacks. I'm due to fly to Paris for 3 nights with my bf and I am so scared right now I could cry. I have a supply of Diazepam and Kalms with me but I don't know if that is going to be enough. I'm afraid of getting those 'out of control' moments and I won't know what to do.

I'm scared of getting ill (a reason my anxiety first started 10 years ago), actually having a panic attack, I feel sick when I have anxiety and so the vicious circle continues.

Any advice would be appreciated.

16-10-14, 12:23
Hi, I know exactly how you feel I always feel like that when I go away, I worry I'll feel sick and miserable, I went away a few weeks ago and felt sick everyday but it was because I was thinking about it! Try not to worry, Paris isn't too far away and it's a beautiful place! If you get panicky try distracting yourself with a book or a funny TV programme, let us know how you get on! Xxx

16-10-14, 15:45
yes go and enjoy yourselves have a good drink afternoon time etc so that the anxiety goes don't be silly though lol then upon waking up have a diazepam or half enough to take the edge off but not make you drowsy

and what a great time youll have

21-10-14, 10:35
Hi Everyone

Well I'm back and I had a great time. I had a few wobbly moments, the worst being the first morning we were there and I spent half an hour on my phone researching ways to get back. However strangely once I knew there was a means of escape it seemed to calm me down and made me realise that wherever you are in the world there is always an escape route. By the time we were leaving I was sad to be coming home.

Hoping I can build on this now and finally start to sort my anxiety. :)