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View Full Version : Headache and Nausea....Terrified It's Meningitis

16-10-14, 12:45
me again.....i had a ferocious headache on monday which was gone on tuesday but back (not as severe) wednesday....i have been sleeping very poorly the last few days, especially last night when sheer panic about meningitis set in....no fever, my neck feels fine (except for the tension on the sides where i typically feel it when i'm stressed....no trouble with bright lights....headache is mild today (so far).....i (stupidly) spent a lot of time on google last night, and now i'm convinced i have meningitis....i read all sorts of things about how you can have it even without the "classic" symptoms....i think i'm making myself physically sick with worry about this...my tummy feels a bit off, and of course that's a symptom too....i know meningitis is not that common and it's definitely one of my anxiety triggers....i went to see my doctor last year with the same fear and she told me that if i had meningitis i would know that i had it....i'd be very sick....but what about those stories where people didn't feel "that sick" and found out they had it? i'm really panicking about this....anyone else ever had the same fear???

16-10-14, 12:53
Meningitis is a disease that develops in a couple of hours, you have had this headache since monday so no not meningitis.