View Full Version : Something stuck in my throat

16-10-14, 16:01
Ok if anyone can help me with this one I would be so grateful !
2 nights ago I had a sandwich and the bread was crustyish after I finished eating I had a feeling as if I have a food particle stuck in the right side of my throat, below where the tongue ends, does that make sense?
It doesn't hurt to swallow but I can feel it there most of the time, I'm now worried that the "food piece" will dislodge and cause me to choke in my sleep :(
Or I will get a severe infection !!
I'm hoping I may have just scratched it, but my ' Anxious' mind is creating all sorts of horror stories, can any one help please!!

16-10-14, 16:46
Ive had this before.. was eating something and a bit got stuck.i panicked so much i was convonced any second i was going to choke to death, for about 4 days i felt like it was still there kept swallowing obsessively trying to get rid of it.. when i come up with a new worry and forgpt about it it was gone! Must have been my anxiety

16-10-14, 17:09
Littlemissworry thank you for your response and yes I'm the same too really worrying but like you said soon as another worry comes along I will forget about it, it's all so exhausting !

20-10-14, 19:35
I had and still have this feeling of something being stuck in my throat. I went to the doctor and ENT and they stuck a snake camera down my nose and looked in there. There was nothing at all. I talked to the ENT and he said anxiety could definitely play a role.


21-10-14, 18:37
Same here! Felt like something was sitting on the top of my tongue! I kept swallowing and swallowing and drinking loads! There was nothing there, it eased off after a few days. Read something online today about what it could mean and its back again!!

Im a Speech and Language Therapist and part of my job is assessing the safety of people's swallow, while deep down I knew there was nothing stuck in the back of my throat ( and still do ) it doesn't make the feeling go away or the panic!!

24-10-14, 19:44
Vitali and Irish89 thanks guys for your replies good to know I'm not the only one...
The sensation disappeared but I now have found as soon as I'm a little stressed and anxious the feeling comes back yet I can't think to my self it's probably psychosomatic instead I start thinking about what I had eaten earlier and maybe now I have something wrong with my throat where each time I swallow a bit of food gets stuck, ( yawn)
But I think i know deep down its part of anxiety ..
Blimmin' tiring this whole nervous illness malarkey !!!
I wish us all well ;)