View Full Version : How much can a person take?

01-01-07, 03:14
Sorry guys, this is my first post of this kind since i joined the forum but I'm Really struggling here. My every waking moment is a nightmare...you know the feeling you have when you're having a bad dream...? well that's what it's like for me every second at the moment. I am so Scared I am going to die. I can't sit still, I'm contstantly pinching the skin under my arm to try and distract myself from the fear but nothing works. I dash from my boyfriends to my own flat to my parents daily, but nowhere feels safe. I am so scared of death and it feels like i could die at any moment. I have a fear of dropping dead from something wrong with my head - have had 3 CT scans and all kinds of tests but I'm convinced they missed something. I swapped from Aropax to cipramil over my hols, been on cipramil for 5 days now so would like to attribute these feelings to that but I'm just so scared there is something wrong. I am soooo dizzy and my head hurts so bad.


01-01-07, 04:59
I am sorry to hear you are having such problems. We have all felt like we are dying at some point when in a state of high anxiety, but I promise you, it is just the symptoms of the anxiety. I know it feels absolutely awful but the syptoms cannot harm you. The new drugs might make you feel slightly worse before you feel better. If your test results have come back normal you have nothing to fear. In time these feelings will pass, so please try not to worry. If the new drugs don't make you feel better soon I would go back to your Doctor as they may want to change your medicine.

I hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx
Please feel free to PM me if you need to talk.

01-01-07, 12:48
I have been on cipramil 10mgs for 2 weeks now and i keep getting really bad headaches i think it could be one of the side effects when first starting it.

01-01-07, 14:18
I know how horrible it feels to be so afraid. It is even harder when you don't feel safe in your own home. Dizzyness and headaches are very common with anxiety (very scary though). I know that sometimes when you start a new medication the anxiety can feel worse before better. Talk to your doctor about how you are feeling on this medication. I know how horrible you are feeling right now, but it will pass. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Take care,

02-01-07, 07:46
Thanks everyone so much for your kind words. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to discuss the possible withdrawal effects the aropax is causing. I hope this wil reasusure me, but you're right, at the height of panic it is so hard to believe that it's not death, you know? Right now I know that it's panic...wish I could believe that all the time! Just a huge thankyou for your support though and I hope that one day I can be there for you...or, even better, that you wont need it:D

"This too shall pass"

02-01-07, 12:14
sorry to hear your feelin low try to remember it will pass
hard i no but we have to keep tryin
i think the start of a new year is hard and contributes to probs cos deep down i no i hoped id be "back to normal" by now whatever that is
january is always a bad month for everyone but it will improve

03-01-07, 07:38
Thanks Dan - a favourite saying of mine is "normal is a cycle on a washing machine"...i know what you mean though, i dream of being normal...like you said, whatever that is! :D

I saw my GP today and he swore with his hand on his heart that I am not dying, but terrified. He's been there for me since this began about 8 years ago and we joke (when i'm able to) that it's taking me 8 years to die so far!!!! A medical miracle!

"This too shall pass"