View Full Version : Hello from jonny a

jonny a
01-01-07, 06:30
Hello all suffers of PANIC!!!!
Looking back on my life I have had episodes of panic since the age of 12,
But when you are 12 you dont understand these feelings!
My panic came to a head at 27 with the feeling of not being able to breathe for a period of 2 weeks. It got too much so I went to see my GP, he refered me to a clinical psychologist.
The coping methods I learned put me at ease.
I am 29 now and my panic has started to increase again, dispite what Ive been told.
It seems to me that panic must be a part of me that I just cant shrug off
it happens time and time again.
I was wondering does this happen to everyone with panic? up and down. anyway keep smiling.
jonny a

01-01-07, 07:51
Hello i am new here. You are in the right place friend alot of people with the same problems here. Ask questions and read the forums there is alot of info here you will be amased Posting you problems also helps cause peole give you alot of ideas and techniques to try jike i said i am still new but this is a good forum


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

01-01-07, 11:00
Hello Jonny

You sound just like me!!! I've suffered from the big 'A' for about 15 years now and although I now have more good days than bad it can still sneek up and grab me from behind when I'm not expecting it!! I try to look at it as my warning sign now, I take note, take better care of myself, eat better, exercise better and take time out to look after me!!!
Luckily I usually find myself soon back in control if I heed the warning signs.:D

Hope this helps a little, best thing I found about this site is learning your not alone, someone to turn to who understands:D

Take Care


01-01-07, 12:44
Hi Jonny,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

01-01-07, 13:03
Hi jonny,

Welcome to the site , you'll find it a great source of help and support, look forward to chatting.

Take care

shirley xx

01-01-07, 14:55
Hi Jonny,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


01-01-07, 14:59
Hi Jonny

I had my first PA when I was 17 and went into a depression for a bit. I hadn't a clue what was happening to me.

I was fine for years then until I was about 28/29 then it hit me again. I've had bouts ever since and each time seems just as hard no matter what you have learnt.

Lets hope we can learn to cope better as time goes on.

Take care

01-01-07, 15:35
Hi Jonny

Just wanted to welcome you aboard. Lovely to see you here and I hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

01-01-07, 17:26
Hiya! and welcome theres all sorts of people on here with different anxieties theres many people just like you welcom and take care

matt :)