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01-01-07, 09:17
Hi there everyone well i had my second anxiety attack last night,the second one in one week.the first one i got i couldn't cope with the breathing but last night i could,but just couldn't cope with all the pain at the top of my stomach chest and back.Any advice would be great.

01-01-07, 09:32
Hi. I don't know what advice to give you, but I can say you are not alone. Panic attacks can cause pain especially in the chest and stomach area so please try not to worry about it. The best thing you can do during an attack is to take slow deep breaths and if you are at home, lay down and do some relaxation exercises. Try to think about something else so you are not concentrating on your symptoms. I hope this helps a bit.

I hope you feel better soon, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D

Love shoegal xxx

01-01-07, 09:59
advice that I can think of to give would be try not to worry about it. I know it is easier said than done and when it is happening it is scary and painful but it does pass. I have found that knowing as much as I can about anxiety and why it happens has helped me. Have a searcharound on this site, there is loads of great advice and information.
The pain is a normal reaction to anxiety, and try to remebmber, it is not anything more serious.
If you can lie down and relax. Take in deep breaths right down into your diaphragm, hold it for a little bit and let go.
Hope this is of some help.

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

01-01-07, 11:02
The pain is caused by you tensing your muscles.

Carry on with getting your breathing under control when in a panic, and try to relax your shoulders (easier said than done, I know, when in the middle of a PA!).

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

01-01-07, 12:30
At least you have recognised it as an anxiety attack. When I have one, I try to remember to tell myself that its just anxiety and take slow deep breaths. My psychotherapist also taught me a 'self soothing' technique. Close your eyes and think of a truly peaceful place ( mines in Norway by a lake surrounded by huge mountains), imagine the sounds and the colours, you can be there with someone if you want to, and just spend 2 minutes there. Its good for calming down. Hope it helps you too.
TC xxxx