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View Full Version : Shaking no one can see?

01-01-07, 10:41
I feel like I am shaking, around my mouth, neck, legs etc . The strange thing is that if I look in the mirror I can't see it, my girlfriend can't see it either. Is this a normal thing with bad anxiety?

01-01-07, 12:21
when i first got anxiety.........it was amazing what i felt and had.

I used to get pins and needles in and around my eyes.

also pins and needles in my arms and hands.

sometimes.....i would go for a run to try and lose some excessive energy only to find....when i got back home.....my legs would seemingly still be running..........it would take 5-10 mins before i could calm them down.

over time......what ive got to realise is that...........my body can become extremely sensitised when anxious

busying myself and not focusing on the feelings helps.

If I could replace my Fear with Love - Even Jesus would ask my Secret !!!

01-01-07, 13:29
Hi byron, I get this lots and at times you can see the trmors. But I acualy do have this right now I feel it so much but it doesnt notice on the outside, Dont worry mate this is common. Take Care. Vernon

01-01-07, 13:44
hiya byron, ive just started with this too, it feels like my whole body is shaking just slightly and i sometimes drop things because of it.

im not sure if this is a symptom of my anxiety or a side effect from the citalopram ive just started taking.

try not to worry too much and keep yourself busy

rachel xxx

01-01-07, 19:05
I think it would most likley be the anxiet Rach, Take Care. Vernon