View Full Version : Going well ..then boom !

18-10-14, 00:42
Hi everyone... The last month has been great. Well great for me! Out and about and working and living the 'normal life ' . Been proud of my self. Then today driving home from local farmers market , nausea , dizziness, head feels 'full ' throat constricted , and headache.. For me .classic symptoms of a panic attack... Its heartbreaking. Wasn't even on my radar for today, and I find myself whizzed back in time to the fears and ...well you know how it goes. Stroke , heart attack, dead by tomorrow !! Would just love some reassurance that I'm ok and this sudden onset of these physical symptons happen to others too ?
Thanks for reading

21-10-14, 17:50
They're just symptoms. Don't attach any meaning to them.

Mistake is to always say things like

"It means this. It means that. Means it's back. Means it's prob more serious etc etc "

Anyone can experience anxiety symptoms at any time in their lives. It doesn't mean anything. They came, it's normal for them to go again, unless you keep them around by worrying and creating new reasons for anxiety.

26-10-14, 10:29
If only it was that easy !!

27-10-14, 19:41
I get setbacks like that all of the time. I'll get panic attacks at work even when I'm distracted, randomly.

Not dangerous and the best RX is to keep working through them and let them be.

28-10-14, 04:57
Its the hardest thing i feel..when you have been doin so well and you still get the symptoms because you question it then...your feeling better so why would it be anxiety....you dont feel anxious...i think its important to remember anxiety doesnt have a switch off button and although you feel better in yourself and happier anxiety is always there waiting to ambush you and catch you off guard. Keep telling yourself its just testing you..just reminding you its here as if we could ever forget lol xx