View Full Version : Trouble Sleeping - Anyone There?

01-01-07, 12:06
Ok I feel exhausted but I just cannot sleep. Started my work again on Thursday and today has not been a good day. Anyone around?

01-01-07, 12:08
You may be suffering from depression and anxiety. If you go an see a doctor to test your for the hypoglycemic syndrome with the four hour Medical Test for Hypoglycemia. I had undergone similar situation and then someone suggested Theramood products. I got tremendous benefit out of it. You may search out detail on web.

Hope this helps

01-01-07, 12:57
i rarely sleep sometimes i go for days with out sleep i try to sleep but when i close my eyes it juast feels un natural weird huh? i dunno im always tired but i cant sleep what u think

01-01-07, 14:30
I also have trouble sleeping. I wake up so much throughout the night and often feel that I didn't really sleep. It feels like I am always half awake and half asleep. I also have really weird dreams that seems so real. I always wake up feeling so confused. The more I worry about sleeping the worse it gets. I try to relax before bed by doing breathing exercises and this usually helps.
Take care,

01-01-07, 15:31
I too having major sleeping problems, I have found a little help in Valerian from the health shop (may need to check if this ok to take if you are on any meds), I dont take the full suggested dose but 15 drops an hour before bed has helped me in relaxing, anxiety always seems worse at night and nothing worse that clock watching every hour! Hope it gets better for you x

01-01-07, 23:37
Hi ramon.

I'm usually here. I have tried all sorts of things. I've always been a bit of an insomniac I think it goes with the depression, but the anxiety makes it worse. I find that sometimes my brain and body are buzzing with nervous energy even when I am physically exhausted.

I find that a bath with lavender essential oil helps, a few drops of lavender on my pillow, camomile & spearmint tea (which is nicer than just camomile and good for your digestiont too). I also have a relaxation cd on my MP3 which I listen to quite often. It doesn't disturb anyone else and mostly it helps me.

Sometimes I do just have to get up and have a cuppa, and read a book for a while to stop me thinking about the fact I can't sleep, and help me relax. Then I go back to bed and I'm usually ok again after a while.

Bit of a long reply, but hopefully some of these things might help you.[^]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

02-01-07, 15:27
Hi! I agree with Lisa about the lavender oil. If you're a fan, apparently a bowl of porridge is the best thing to eat before going off to bed to send yourself to sleep, or if you don't fancy that, a hot milky drink. There's some very good natural remedies in Boots and Holland & Barrett that are non-addictive. I also recommend Pharmaton capsules or Ginkgo Biloba for helping combat exhaustion during the day-again, all natural ingredients!
Sleep tight :)

02-01-07, 16:54
when I was at work at the height of my stress, anxiety and panic I could not sleep for weeks on end, or at least it felt like that because I was always waking up several times a night. when the weekend came, all I wanted to do was lie in bed all weekend because I felt so exhausted. I would sleep most of saturday

what really helped was going to the gym as close to bed time as possible, having a bath with oils to help you sleep, chinese herbal medicine and a cup of Camomile tea this 'routine' altogether made a big difference