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View Full Version : Last thing I need!

18-10-14, 10:47
I've had ongoing constant lightheadnessness and headaches since June. Waiting on results of my mri. But now every morning without fail I wake up with the same horrible pain in my chest on the left side quite high up and finding it hard to breath which scares the life out of me. Although I had similar issues last year every day and was reffered for an echo scan as we have heart problems in the family, it showed nothing. So you'd think I wouldn't worry, for the past couple of days I didn't but today the corner of my lip is blue too. I had a blue tinge to my lip last year and it was one of the main reasons I was reffered but it went up until now. Does anyone else suffer this problem? Chest pain always in the same spot?

18-10-14, 16:34
Great no replies

18-10-14, 18:29
Probably nothing but why don't you ask your GP for advice?

19-10-14, 09:34
Aw Ava so sorry to hear what you are going though it mist be frightni ? When wil you get results from Mir scan just keep trying to be strong I know it will be hard right now but bum inthe same boat I am just out of hospital after a ten day stay and got all anxious about going back in that docs put me on tabs so don't know if it's me or the tabs that's making me feel this way ? Hope you are ok take care speak soon xx:)