View Full Version : Bloodshot tender eyes

18-10-14, 15:16
Ok, so I have only had this since Friday morning, On thursday night it was my mates birthday so we all went out for a night out to celebrate, I dont drink much these days due to my HA so it affected me quite quickly, during the night I threw up twice straight after eachother after doing a couple of shots, after i looked in the mirrior and my eyes were really red and I looked quite pale, I felt fine within half hour, the next morning I went to work and at lunch I noticed my eye was blood shot in the corner I rubbed it and it wasnt really a pain but more of a strain, I then noticed it happened to the other eye but only very slightly, it just feel like a strain when I rub then and they are a bit bloodshot in the corners? is this due to be being ill on the night out before or something else?

19-10-14, 10:13
You've answered your own question, sounds to me like you've strained them when you vomited! Nothing to worry about just take it easy next time


19-10-14, 12:13
Hey, It's most likely due to dehydration from drinking and being sick and some eye strain/fatigue/tiredness thrown in. drink lots and get some rest!