View Full Version : Help

19-10-14, 08:36
I dint think anybody wants to talk to me on here I have posted a few things and only a cple have responded ? But hey ho I will just muddle through my self :weep::weep: Take care speak soon x

19-10-14, 09:14
I feel the same no one replies to my posts anymore thought it was a support forum not view and leave x

19-10-14, 09:20
Hey thanks for reply Yes I thought that to Avasmummy ? Plenty of Venus but no support at least I'm not the only one that thinks that how are you ?x take care speak soon :):weep:

19-10-14, 09:30
That's always the way with forums though, isn't it. Except, I suppose, worse when you're already anxious. I spend a lot of time worrying how invisible I am...

19-10-14, 09:35
Hiya there. I can't speak for everyone but I think sometimes there reassurance posts, we can't always reassure unless we're certain? On top of that they're sometimes triggering for people with HA. It's not that nobody cares, I promise. We're all fighting the same demon, you know? Take care x

19-10-14, 09:35
With the exception of my last thread, I've had no replies either. Maybe there just aren't many people around?

19-10-14, 09:36
Lol me too how are you x:)

19-10-14, 13:51
I think sometimes the problem is that members are asking for medical advice and this is an anxiety support forum and not a medical diagnostic forum.

19-10-14, 14:13
But mines is all anxiety related not medical ???!

19-10-14, 17:03
Anxiety is medical in a way. There are a few threads dedicated to combatting the anxiety head on, you're welcome to join in those. :)