View Full Version : Anyone else get this feeling or what it could be?

01-01-07, 15:21

I am a new poster on here, have suffered from severe anxiety in the past and unfortunately it has returned to a certain extent due to a medical condition that developed.

Basically I had a bad allergic reaction to amoxycillin about 2.5 months ago, this was followed by a few days of a really bad stomach, following this a dry cough for three weeks which developed into a cough with small amounts of blood in the pghlem, the cough has gone but the bloody pghlem from time to time remains 6 weeks later. Been to the docs, had blood works (normal), chest x-rays (normal) and a bronchoscopy (normal) so the docs believe this is due to to chronic irritation and cough trauma, I also have a gastroscopy this thurs to rule out anything in the other areas.

Unfortunately I have become really anxious about this and although the docs reassure me that I dont have anything serious, after researching symptoms on the internet (silly i know) pretty much convinced myself that I have cancer of some sort although the logical part of me knows the docs would have picked up on something as serious as that by now.

Anyway, the question I wanted to ask is that recently when trying to exercise and when my heart rate is raised, I get a burning sensation on the right side of my throat when i take a deep breath which disappears after my heart rate settles, also feel to have pain which moves from my throat to my ear on that side as well as pain in the neck on that side.

Does anyone else suffer from this, I am assuming that it is related to the anxiety/tension?

Any reassurances on this matter would be helpful to ease my mind a bit as I seem to be shying off from exercising because if I get the feeling I get anxious as it seems to tell me in my mind I have something serious.



01-01-07, 23:26
Hi Graham,

Welcome to the forum,

I don't suffer from health anxiety but there are lots of members that do. I am sure if your doctors have checked you out it then it is something that is anxiety related. Unfortunately it is very scary at the time, remember never ever google lol.

Look through the first steps links, I am sure you will find them useful
