View Full Version : Cloudy urine

19-10-14, 12:48
hi I am stressing here I go to toilet first thing and my urine is clear I go back about 2 hrs later and it is cloudy I'm am really anxous her as I don't want to end up in hospital again I am just out over a week ago due to a bad urine infection please help I'm at my wits end x:weep::weep:

19-10-14, 13:00
I'm afraid I don't really know the answer but I know ursine changes all the time and is dependant on what you've eaten and drank. Like red is sometimes because you've eaten beetroot, asparagus makes your wee stink etc. dehydration mates it dark and so on. Might just be something you've ingested?

19-10-14, 14:10
Hi mummy thanks for the reply ? I am on cipralex so don't know if that's making it cloudy I am just stressing I case I end up in hospital again I goes clear in afternoon after I drink about 3 pits water lol then I'm running to lol all the time ? I'm sitting here crying writing this hope you are ok take care speak soo x

19-10-14, 14:34
Is this what your urine was like when you had an infection? I assume so and that you are worried its another infection? I've had cloudy urine without infection before. If your urine is clear at other times that's a good sign but the only person who can check is the dr. Would be unlikely if you have no other symptoms though.

19-10-14, 15:40
Hi mummy thanks not sore when I pee just needing to run every hr or so but mabe because I'm drinking a lot of water ? It's. Clear in afternoons I mean clear you can just about see through it and that keeps me going but still very anxious doc open tomorrow so will phone and see what she says .thanks again xx

19-10-14, 15:52
All sounds normal to me but with a previous infection I can see why you're worried x

19-10-14, 16:02
Thanks again I'm probably over reacting again but that's anxiety for you xx:)