View Full Version : A slight setback

01-01-07, 16:12
I've been doing so well lately, even went to Mum's in Suffolk for Christmas with my hubby and although I wasn't brilliant I was okay with no panic attacks, just a little bit of anxiety.

Decided to start my NY resolution by going for a walk by myself this afternoon. I walked through my estate on to the main road (5 min walk) then started to get anxious/hot and bothered and didn't know what to do with myself. Thankfully I managed to calm myself down by using the rescue remedy spray I took and looking at my mobile phone and texting a couple of friends. I turned round at this point and got home without any more bother by concentrating on my phone and spraying rescue remedy and reminding myself I'd soon be home.

I am soooo disappointed in myself though. I had told myself I'd walk "round the block" which means walking off the housing estate on to the main road, round the corner and then back on to the housing estate (15-20 min walk). I know these roads inside out and still I panicked. I thought I'd be able to do it yet I couldn't this afternoon.

I keep trying to buck myself up by saying that at least I got out for a bit but I'm all anxious and jumpy now, I can't even settle and relax to cardmaking even though "home" is my safe place.

I'm determined to try again though even if I only go to the main road for a while until I feel better in myself. At least it's a start.

Thanks for listening, it helps to get it off my chest so to speak and share with others who understand.


01-01-07, 16:20

Well Done! Dont be hard on yourself, I think you did great, It doesnt matter how far you got but the fact you did it is an achievement, I know how hard it is, somedays just walking to my car on outside my house is a huge exercise!

You set your NY resolution and you stuck to it, that takes a lot of doing and is expected to leave you a little anxious, stick with it and you will do it, your determination comes though really strong and with that there will be no stopping you!

Good Luck

Wendy x

01-01-07, 16:22
Aww Valerie,

Don't beat yourself up over it! You haven't failed, you have still achieved a great deal by going out for the walk in the first place :D

Keep practising, getting a bit further each time, and it will get easier!

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

01-01-07, 16:22
I'm new here but I completely understand what you're going through. I often feel the same way but I think that it's good to push yourself and force yourself to do things just so that you can prove to yourself that nothing bad will happen.
I get terrified of fainting so I find it really difficult to go out if I'm a bit under the weather or haven't eaten reguarly, I try to push myself into doing these things so that I can prove I can go out and enjoy myself without passing out. It is hard though. I'm really proud of myself because I went to a New Years party yesterday and managed to stay out until 3 in the morning without feeling like I had to go home.
I really hope you feel better soon and can relax now you're in your sfae place, make yourself a cup of tea and read a good book, lol. It always works for me!

01-01-07, 16:28
Thank you for the quick replies - I appreciate your positive comments.

Well done Issy that's fantastic.

I've just read another post which could relate to it a little as I had a cup of tea and some mint chocolate before I went out - probably a big no-no for increasing anxiety. I think once I get healthier and lose some weight I will feel better as I am huge and I mean huge.


01-01-07, 19:15
I agree with the others - you are being really hard on yourself. You got out, calmed yourself back down to be able to function and get back home. How impressed am I ?

Give yourself a pat on the back because I have a theory that because you did so well at Xmas, the anxiety monster today just raised its head to say hello - you probably weren't expecting to see the monster today cos' he'd been kicked into touch at Xmas.

I know I coped with Xmas Day/Boxing Day brilliantly but wanted to hide on on the 27th!

It just takes it out of you. But you have shown the monster you have the upper hand so yah boo sucks to it.