View Full Version : Dental abscess question

19-10-14, 20:47
I am trying to remain calm.. and i think i may have figured this out... well hope i did. because i have bad teeth, i think i have developed a dental abscess in my jaw. i can feel like a gum boil on the underside of my jaw that moves. last week, i discovered a tiny little lump in the inside of my cheek and i am now beginning to wonder. Is this all related?

19-10-14, 22:40
I had an absess and infection it hurt like hell if it is an absess it will be painful day and night. I had to have strong antibiotics. My back tooth crumbled while i was pregnant it was jagged and i ignored it for 2 years till obviously the absess formed and i lost the tooth . If its an absess it will hurt alot !!

21-10-14, 18:41
I have had 2 dental abscesses! I had no pain with mine either time!! The first time I went to the doctor who stupidly scared me into thinking it was something serious which is wasn't. I had no pain with it, just a lump. The second time I had no pain but could see a white spot on the top of it and had a bad taste in my mouth. Abscesses are typically meant to hurt but the nerve in my tooth was damaged so I felt no pain whatsoever.

The dentist will be able to treat it for you.

21-10-14, 20:44
I developed one last week.Have had couple before over the years. This one wasn't too painful, white head on and it burst after rinsing with warm water and bicarb of soda.

24-10-14, 12:03
I have one right now and have the same lump.Its actually quite big. On antibiotics and then I have to either get a root canal or pull it.