View Full Version : Just a little pick me up

19-10-14, 23:56
I'm having a really hard time over the past few months constantly with symptoms. But I've just had a lovely moment.

Just got in bed with my little girl snuggled in to her and just looked at her and thought wow.

Why do I worry so much when I have such an amazing little life spending her life with me. Never known love like it and it really picked me up knowing I have something so special in this life. Yes the symptoms are still there and the worry but for this brief second I just didn't care. All I cared about was being in ore of being a mum to such a precious little girl.

Anxiety and fear takes over for all of us but having something special in your life really does help. Love and happiness conquers fear all day everyday. X

20-10-14, 11:45
What a lovely post, and you are so right, enjoy the good things in life.

Hope you continue to have a good day.

20-10-14, 11:51
beautiful post ,so glad for you to have one of these moments