View Full Version : Aching legs?

01-01-07, 16:30
Whenever I feel really anxious or have a panic attack my legs really ache that evening. It feels like shooting pains and can last for hours. It gets to the point where it's so painful I have to take paracetamol. Is that normal?

01-01-07, 16:35
Sorry Issy, I'm not sure. Would it be something to do with may be tensing your muscles subconsciously when you get anxious or have a panic attack?

When I get anxious/panicky mine tend to go to jelly and I feel they won't take me anywhere so I get rooted to the spot in fear.

Hugs, hope you get an answer.

01-01-07, 16:38

Yep this is a defo anxiety symptom, when we panic we tend to tense our muscles infact whole bodies that results in these cramps and aches, I always find these get worse when Im in bed or relaxing, its prob the muscles relaxing following the days panic, This is one I checked with my doc so try not to worry x

01-01-07, 16:48
Thanks, I sort of knew it had something to do with it and I am sometimes concious of tensing my legs muscles when I get anxious. It's just really painful, lol. Still, maybe I'll get lovely toned calfs out of it!

01-01-07, 19:03

Iv never heard of anyone having that put im sure it harmless so dont worry about it.. it may stop then :)

matt x

02-01-07, 06:39
Hi. I don't know about the shooting pains, but after a panic attack I do get really achy legs for a while. I put it down to muscle tension. Try not to worry about it.

Love shoegal xxx

08-01-07, 04:55
where specifically does it hurt?

reply and I will explain further



08-01-07, 08:31
i get vague pain/stiffness in my legs when I'm anxious or when I've been anxious. so it is a normal (whatever that is) symptom.


08-01-07, 10:36
stiffness, as people have said can well relate to the muscles tiring out after the rush of a panic. Joints aching could be simply being down on grub.

Also, we all have parts of our bodies that are our 'achilles heel'. perhaps thats whats happening here.

Check you're eating enough and the right food. If not any tiredness will show through more.

sometimes it's just a simple answer.



08-01-07, 10:40
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">where specifically does it hurt?

reply and I will explain further



<div align="right">Originally posted by bb01234 - 08 January 2007 : 04:55:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

It usually starts around the knee and then starts making it's way up and down until the entire leg aches.